110 lines
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110 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Protocols where
import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.Streaming.Network as N
import Network.Socket (HostName, PortNumber)
import qualified Network.Socket as N hiding (recv, recvFrom, send,
import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as N
deriving instance Generic PortNumber
deriving instance Hashable PortNumber
deriving instance Generic N.SockAddr
deriving instance Hashable N.SockAddr
data Protocol = UDP | TCP deriving (Show, Read)
data UdpAppData = UdpAppData
{ appAddr :: N.SockAddr
, appSem :: MVar ByteString
, appRead :: IO ByteString
, appWrite :: ByteString -> IO ()
instance N.HasReadWrite UdpAppData where
readLens f appData = fmap (\getData -> appData { appRead = getData}) (f $ appRead appData)
writeLens f appData = fmap (\writeData -> appData { appWrite = writeData}) (f $ appWrite appData)
runTCPServer :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> (N.AppData -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runTCPServer (host, port) app = do
putStrLn $ "WAIT for connection on " <> fromString host <> ":" <> tshow port
void $ N.runTCPServer (N.serverSettingsTCP (fromIntegral port) (fromString host)) app
putStrLn "CLOSE tunnel"
runTCPClient :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> (N.AppData -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runTCPClient (host, port) app = do
putStrLn $ "CONNECTING to " <> fromString host <> ":" <> tshow port
void $ N.runTCPClient (N.clientSettingsTCP (fromIntegral port) (BC.pack host)) app
putStrLn $ "CLOSE connection to " <> fromString host <> ":" <> tshow port
runUDPClient :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> (UdpAppData -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runUDPClient (host, port) app = do
putStrLn $ "CONNECTING to " <> fromString host <> ":" <> tshow port
bracket (N.getSocketUDP host (fromIntegral port)) (N.close . fst) $ \(socket, addrInfo) -> do
sem <- newEmptyMVar
app UdpAppData { appAddr = N.addrAddress addrInfo
, appSem = sem
, appRead = fst <$> N.recvFrom socket 4096
, appWrite = \payload -> void $ N.sendTo socket payload (N.addrAddress addrInfo)
putStrLn $ "CLOSE connection to " <> fromString host <> ":" <> tshow port
runUDPServer :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> (UdpAppData -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runUDPServer (host, port) app = do
putStrLn $ "WAIT for datagrames on " <> fromString host <> ":" <> tshow port
clientsCtx <- newIORef mempty
void $ bracket (N.bindPortUDP (fromIntegral port) (fromString host)) N.close (runEventLoop clientsCtx)
putStrLn "CLOSE tunnel"
addNewClient :: IORef (H.HashMap N.SockAddr UdpAppData) -> N.Socket -> N.SockAddr -> ByteString -> IO UdpAppData
addNewClient clientsCtx socket addr payload = do
sem <- newMVar payload
let appData = UdpAppData { appAddr = addr
, appSem = sem
, appRead = takeMVar sem
, appWrite = \payload' -> void $ N.sendTo socket payload' addr
void $ atomicModifyIORef' clientsCtx (\clients -> (H.insert addr appData clients, ()))
return appData
removeClient :: IORef (H.HashMap N.SockAddr UdpAppData) -> UdpAppData -> IO ()
removeClient clientsCtx clientCtx = do
void $ atomicModifyIORef' clientsCtx (\clients -> (H.delete (appAddr clientCtx) clients, ()))
putStrLn "TIMEOUT connection"
pushDataToClient :: UdpAppData -> ByteString -> IO ()
pushDataToClient clientCtx = putMVar (appSem clientCtx)
runEventLoop :: IORef (H.HashMap N.SockAddr UdpAppData) -> N.Socket -> IO ()
runEventLoop clientsCtx socket = forever $ do
(payload, addr) <- N.recvFrom socket 4096
clientCtx <- H.lookup addr <$> readIORef clientsCtx
case clientCtx of
Just clientCtx' -> pushDataToClient clientCtx' payload
_ -> void . forkIO $ bracket
(addNewClient clientsCtx socket addr payload)
(removeClient clientsCtx)
(void . timeout (30 * 10^(6 :: Int)) . app)