Better logging

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Erèbe 2016-05-31 23:44:02 +02:00
parent c8caf6457d
commit ca70b8b318
2 changed files with 152 additions and 98 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Tunnel
( runClient
@ -68,8 +69,13 @@ data Connection = Connection
data Error = ProxyConnectError String
data Error = ProxyConnectionError String
| ProxyForwardError String
| LocalServerError String
| TunnelError String
| WebsocketError String
| TlsError String
| Other String
deriving (Show, Read)
class ToConnection a where
@ -106,24 +112,62 @@ instance ToConnection NC.Connection where
connectionToStream :: Connection -> IO WS.Stream
connectionToStream Connection{..} = WS.makeStream read (write . toStrict . fromJust)
runTunnelingClientWith :: TunnelSettings -> (Connection -> IO ()) -> (Connection -> IO ())
runTunnelingClientWith info@TunnelSettings{..} app conn = do
-- Pipes
tunnelingClientP :: TunnelSettings -> (Connection -> IO (Either Error ())) -> (Connection -> IO (Either Error ()))
tunnelingClientP info@TunnelSettings{..} app conn = do
stream <- connectionToStream conn
void $ WS.runClientWithStream stream serverHost (toPath info) WS.defaultConnectionOptions [] $ \conn' ->
app (toConnection conn')
putStrLn $ "CLOSE tunnel " <> tshow info
onError $ WS.runClientWithStream stream serverHost (toPath info) WS.defaultConnectionOptions [] (app . toConnection)
onError = flip catch (\(e :: SomeException) -> return . Left . WebsocketError $ show e)
httpProxyConnection :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> TunnelSettings -> (Connection -> IO ()) -> IO ()
tlsClientP :: TunnelSettings -> (Connection -> IO (Either Error ())) -> (Connection -> IO (Either Error ()))
tlsClientP TunnelSettings{..} app conn = do
let tlsSettings = NC.TLSSettingsSimple { NC.settingDisableCertificateValidation = True
, NC.settingDisableSession = False
, NC.settingUseServerName = False
let connectionParams = NC.ConnectionParams { NC.connectionHostname = serverHost
, NC.connectionPort = serverPort
, NC.connectionUseSecure = Just tlsSettings
, NC.connectionUseSocks = Nothing
onError $ do
context <- NC.initConnectionContext
let socket = fromJust . N.appRawSocket . fromJust $ rawConnection conn
h <- N.socketToHandle socket ReadWriteMode
connection <- NC.connectFromHandle context h connectionParams
finally (app (toConnection connection)) (hClose h)
onError = flip catch (\(e :: SomeException) -> return . Left . TlsError $ show e)
-- Connectors
tcpConnection :: TunnelSettings -> (Connection -> IO (Either Error ())) -> IO (Either Error ())
tcpConnection TunnelSettings{..} app =
N.runTCPClient (N.clientSettingsTCP (fromIntegral serverPort) (fromString serverHost)) (app . toConnection)
(\(e :: SomeException) -> return $ if take 10 (show e) == "user error" then Right () else Left $ TunnelError $ show e)
httpProxyConnection :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> TunnelSettings -> (Connection -> IO (Either Error ())) -> IO (Either Error ())
httpProxyConnection (host, port) TunnelSettings{..} app =
mcatch $ N.runTCPClient (N.clientSettingsTCP (fromIntegral port) (fromString host)) $ \conn -> myTry $ do
onError $ N.runTCPClient (N.clientSettingsTCP (fromIntegral port) (fromString host)) $ \conn -> do
_ <- sendConnectRequest conn
responseM <- timeout (1000000 * 10) $ readConnectResponse mempty conn
let response = fromMaybe "No response of the proxy after 10s" responseM
if isAuthorized response
then app $ toConnection conn
else LOG.errorM "wstunnel" $ "Proxy refused the connection :: \n===\n" <> fromString (BC.unpack response) <> "\n==="
then app (toConnection conn)
else return . Left . ProxyForwardError $ BC.unpack response
sendConnectRequest h = N.appWrite h $ "CONNECT " <> fromString serverHost <> ":" <> fromString (show serverPort) <> " HTTP/1.0\r\n"
@ -137,40 +181,72 @@ httpProxyConnection (host, port) TunnelSettings{..} app =
isAuthorized response = " 200 " `BC.isInfixOf` response
mcatch action = action `catch` (\(e :: SomeException) -> LOG.errorM "wstunnel" $ "Cannot connect to the proxy :: " <> show e)
onError = flip catch (\(e :: SomeException) -> return $ if take 10 (show e) == "user error"
then Right ()
else Left $ ProxyConnectionError $ show e)
tcpConnection :: TunnelSettings -> (Connection -> IO ()) -> IO ()
tcpConnection TunnelSettings{..} app =
myTry $ N.runTCPClient (N.clientSettingsTCP (fromIntegral serverPort) (fromString serverHost)) (app . toConnection)
-- Client
runClient :: TunnelSettings -> IO ()
runClient cfg@TunnelSettings{..} = do
let withTcp = if isJust proxySetting then httpProxyConnection (fromJust proxySetting) cfg else tcpConnection cfg
let doTlsIf tlsNeeded app = if tlsNeeded then tlsClientP cfg app else app
let tunnelClient = tunnelingClientP cfg
let tunnelServer app = withTcp (doTlsIf useTls . tunnelClient $ app)
let app localH = do
info $ "CREATE tunnel :: " <> show cfg
ret <- tunnelServer (`propagateRW` toConnection localH)
handleError ret
info $ "CLOSE tunnel :: " <> show cfg
case protocol of
UDP -> runUDPServer (localBind, localPort) app
TCP -> runTCPServer (localBind, localPort) app
handleError :: Either Error () -> IO ()
handleError (Right ()) = return ()
handleError (Left err) =
case err of
ProxyConnectionError msg -> info "Cannot connect to the proxy" >> debug msg
ProxyForwardError msg -> info "Connection not allowed by the proxy" >> debug msg
TunnelError msg -> info "Cannot establish the connection to the server" >> debug msg
LocalServerError msg -> info "Cannot create the localServer, port already binded ?" >> debug msg
WebsocketError msg -> info "Cannot establish websocket connection with the server" >> debug msg
TlsError msg -> info "Cannot do tls handshake with the server" >> debug msg
Other msg -> debug msg
runTLSClient :: TunnelSettings -> (Connection -> IO ()) -> (Connection -> IO ())
runTLSClient TunnelSettings{..} app conn = do
let tlsSettings = NC.TLSSettingsSimple { NC.settingDisableCertificateValidation = True
, NC.settingDisableSession = False
, NC.settingUseServerName = False
let connectionParams = NC.ConnectionParams { NC.connectionHostname = serverHost
, NC.connectionPort = serverPort
, NC.connectionUseSecure = Just tlsSettings
, NC.connectionUseSocks = Nothing
propagateRW :: Connection -> Connection -> IO (Either Error ())
propagateRW hTunnel hOther =
myTry $ race_ (propagateReads hTunnel hOther) (propagateWrites hTunnel hOther)
context <- NC.initConnectionContext
let socket = fromJust . N.appRawSocket . fromJust $ rawConnection conn
h <- N.socketToHandle socket ReadWriteMode
propagateReads :: Connection -> Connection -> IO ()
propagateReads hTunnel hOther = forever $ read hTunnel >>= write hOther . fromJust
connection <- NC.connectFromHandle context h connectionParams
finally (app (toConnection connection)) (hClose h)
propagateWrites :: Connection -> Connection -> IO ()
propagateWrites hTunnel hOther = do
payload <- fromJust <$> read hOther
unless (null payload) (write hTunnel payload >> propagateWrites hTunnel hOther)
myTry :: IO a -> IO (Either Error ())
myTry f = either (\(e :: SomeException) -> Left . Other $ show e) (const $ Right ()) <$> try f
-- Server
runTlsTunnelingServer :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> ((ByteString, Int) -> Bool) -> IO ()
runTlsTunnelingServer (bindTo, portNumber) isAllowed = do
putStrLn $ "WAIT for TLS connection on " <> fromString bindTo <> ":" <> tshow portNumber
info $ "WAIT for TLS connection on " <> fromString bindTo <> ":" <> show portNumber
N.runTCPServerTLS (N.tlsConfigBS (fromString bindTo) (fromIntegral portNumber) serverCertificate serverKey) $ \sClient ->
runApp sClient WS.defaultConnectionOptions (serverEventLoop isAllowed)
putStrLn "CLOSE server"
info "SHUTDOWN server"
runApp :: N.AppData -> WS.ConnectionOptions -> WS.ServerApp -> IO ()
@ -182,12 +258,12 @@ runTlsTunnelingServer (bindTo, portNumber) isAllowed = do
runTunnelingServer :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> ((ByteString, Int) -> Bool) -> IO ()
runTunnelingServer (host, port) isAllowed = do
putStrLn $ "WAIT for connection on " <> fromString host <> ":" <> tshow port
info $ "WAIT for connection on " <> fromString host <> ":" <> show port
void $ N.runTCPServer (N.serverSettingsTCP (fromIntegral port) (fromString host)) $ \sClient ->
runApp (fromJust $ N.appRawSocket sClient) WS.defaultConnectionOptions (serverEventLoop isAllowed)
putStrLn "CLOSE server"
info "CLOSE server"
runApp :: N.Socket -> WS.ConnectionOptions -> WS.ServerApp -> IO ()
@ -198,48 +274,17 @@ serverEventLoop :: ((ByteString, Int) -> Bool) -> WS.PendingConnection -> IO ()
serverEventLoop isAllowed pendingConn = do
let path = fromPath . WS.requestPath $ WS.pendingRequest pendingConn
case path of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Rejecting connection" >> WS.rejectRequest pendingConn "Invalid tunneling information"
Nothing -> info "Rejecting connection" >> WS.rejectRequest pendingConn "Invalid tunneling information"
Just (!proto, !rhost, !rport) ->
if not $ isAllowed (rhost, rport)
then do
putStrLn "Rejecting tunneling"
info "Rejecting tunneling"
WS.rejectRequest pendingConn "Restriction is on, You cannot request this tunneling"
else do
conn <- WS.acceptRequest pendingConn
case proto of
UDP -> runUDPClient (BC.unpack rhost, fromIntegral rport) (\cnx -> toConnection conn `propagateRW` toConnection cnx)
TCP -> runTCPClient (BC.unpack rhost, fromIntegral rport) (\cnx -> toConnection conn `propagateRW` toConnection cnx)
propagateRW :: Connection -> Connection -> IO ()
propagateRW hTunnel hOther =
myTry $ race_ (propagateReads hTunnel hOther) (propagateWrites hTunnel hOther)
propagateReads :: Connection -> Connection -> IO ()
propagateReads hTunnel hOther = myTry (forever $ read hTunnel >>= write hOther . fromJust)
propagateWrites :: Connection -> Connection -> IO ()
propagateWrites hTunnel hOther = myTry $ do
payload <- fromJust <$> read hOther
unless (null payload) (write hTunnel payload >> propagateWrites hTunnel hOther)
myTry :: IO () -> IO ()
myTry f = void $ catch f (\(e :: SomeException) -> print e)
runClient :: TunnelSettings -> IO ()
runClient cfg@TunnelSettings{..} = do
let withTcp = if isJust proxySetting then httpProxyConnection (fromJust proxySetting) cfg else tcpConnection cfg
let doTlsIf tlsNeeded app = if tlsNeeded then runTLSClient cfg app else app
let tunnelClient = runTunnelingClientWith cfg
let tunnelServer app = withTcp (doTlsIf useTls . tunnelClient $ app)
case protocol of
UDP -> runUDPServer (localBind, localPort) (\localH -> tunnelServer (`propagateRW` toConnection localH))
TCP -> runTCPServer (localBind, localPort) (\localH -> tunnelServer (`propagateRW` toConnection localH))
UDP -> runUDPClient (BC.unpack rhost, fromIntegral rport) (\cnx -> void $ toConnection conn `propagateRW` toConnection cnx)
TCP -> runTCPClient (BC.unpack rhost, fromIntegral rport) (\cnx -> void $ toConnection conn `propagateRW` toConnection cnx)
runServer :: Bool -> (HostName, PortNumber) -> ((ByteString, Int) -> Bool) -> IO ()
@ -247,19 +292,6 @@ runServer useTLS = if useTLS then runTlsTunnelingServer else runTunnelingServer
toPath :: TunnelSettings -> String
toPath TunnelSettings{..} = "/" <> toLower (show protocol) <> "/" <> destHost <> "/" <> show destPort
fromPath :: ByteString -> Maybe (Protocol, ByteString, Int)
fromPath path = let rets = BC.split '/' . BC.drop 1 $ path
in do
guard (length rets == 3)
let [protocol, h, prt] = rets
prt' <- readMay . BC.unpack $ prt :: Maybe Int
proto <- readMay . toUpper . BC.unpack $ protocol :: Maybe Protocol
return (proto, h, prt')
-- openssl genrsa 512 > host.key
-- openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 9999 -key host.key > host.cert
@ -290,3 +322,25 @@ serverCertificate = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" <>
"DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADQQCP4oYOIrX7xvmQih3hvF4kUnbKjtttImdGruonsLAz\n" <>
"OL2VExC6OqlDP2yu14BlsjTt+X2v6mhHnSM16c6AkpM/\n" <>
-- Commons
toPath :: TunnelSettings -> String
toPath TunnelSettings{..} = "/" <> toLower (show protocol) <> "/" <> destHost <> "/" <> show destPort
fromPath :: ByteString -> Maybe (Protocol, ByteString, Int)
fromPath path = let rets = BC.split '/' . BC.drop 1 $ path
in do
guard (length rets == 3)
let [protocol, h, prt] = rets
prt' <- readMay . BC.unpack $ prt :: Maybe Int
proto <- readMay . toUpper . BC.unpack $ protocol :: Maybe Protocol
return (proto, h, prt')
info = LOG.infoM "wstunnel"
debug = LOG.debugM "wstunnel"