Improve signatures
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 23 additions and 18 deletions
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ instance Show TunnelSettings where
<> serverHost <> ":" <> show serverPort
<> " <==" <> show protocol <> "==> " <> destHost <> ":" <> show destPort
data Connection = Connection
{ read :: IO (Maybe ByteString)
, write :: ByteString -> IO ()
@ -98,14 +99,15 @@ instance ToConnection NC.Connection where
connectionToStream :: Connection -> IO WS.Stream
connectionToStream Connection{..} = WS.makeStream read (write . toStrict . fromJust)
runTunnelingClientWith :: TunnelSettings -> (Connection -> IO ()) -> Connection -> IO ()
runTunnelingClientWith info@TunnelSettings{..} app conn = do
runTunnelingClientWith :: TunnelSettings -> (Connection -> IO ()) -> IO (Connection -> IO ())
runTunnelingClientWith info@TunnelSettings{..} app = do
putStrLn $ "OPEN tunnel " <> tshow info
stream <- connectionToStream conn
void $ WS.runClientWithStream stream serverHost (toPath info) WS.defaultConnectionOptions [] $ \conn' ->
app (toConnection conn')
return $ \conn -> do
stream <- connectionToStream conn
void $ WS.runClientWithStream stream serverHost (toPath info) WS.defaultConnectionOptions [] $ \conn' ->
app (toConnection conn')
putStrLn $ "CLOSE tunnel " <> tshow info
putStrLn $ "CLOSE tunnel " <> tshow info
httpProxyConnection :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> TunnelSettings -> (Connection -> IO ()) -> IO ()
httpProxyConnection (host, port) TunnelSettings{..} app =
@ -131,8 +133,8 @@ tcpConnection TunnelSettings{..} app =
myTry $ N.runTCPClient (N.clientSettingsTCP (fromIntegral serverPort) (fromString serverHost)) (app . toConnection)
runTLSClient :: TunnelSettings -> Connection -> (Connection -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runTLSClient TunnelSettings{..} conn app = do
runTLSClient :: TunnelSettings -> (Connection -> IO ()) -> IO (Connection -> IO ())
runTLSClient TunnelSettings{..} app = do
let tlsSettings = NC.TLSSettingsSimple { NC.settingDisableCertificateValidation = True
, NC.settingDisableSession = False
, NC.settingUseServerName = False
@ -143,12 +145,13 @@ runTLSClient TunnelSettings{..} conn app = do
, NC.connectionUseSocks = Nothing
context <- NC.initConnectionContext
let socket = fromJust . N.appRawSocket . fromJust $ rawConnection conn
h <- N.socketToHandle socket ReadWriteMode
return $ \conn -> do
context <- NC.initConnectionContext
let socket = fromJust . N.appRawSocket . fromJust $ rawConnection conn
h <- N.socketToHandle socket ReadWriteMode
connection <- NC.connectFromHandle context h connectionParams
app (toConnection connection)
connection <- NC.connectFromHandle context h connectionParams
app (toConnection connection)
runTlsTunnelingServer :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> ((ByteString, Int) -> Bool) -> IO ()
@ -218,13 +221,15 @@ myTry f = void $ catch f (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return ())
runClient :: TunnelSettings -> IO ()
runClient cfg@TunnelSettings{..} = do
let out app = (if isJust proxySetting then httpProxyConnection (fromJust proxySetting) cfg else tcpConnection cfg) $ \cnx ->
(if useTls then runTLSClient cfg cnx else \app' -> app' cnx) $ \cnx' ->
runTunnelingClientWith cfg app cnx'
let withTcp = if isJust proxySetting then httpProxyConnection (fromJust proxySetting) cfg else tcpConnection cfg
let doTlsIf tlsNeeded app = if tlsNeeded then runTLSClient cfg app else return app
let tunnelClient = runTunnelingClientWith cfg
let tunnelServer app = tunnelClient app >>= doTlsIf useTls >>= withTcp
case protocol of
UDP -> runUDPServer (localBind, localPort) (\hOther -> out (`propagateRW` toConnection hOther))
TCP -> runTCPServer (localBind, localPort) (\hOther -> out (`propagateRW` toConnection hOther))
UDP -> runUDPServer (localBind, localPort) (\localH -> tunnelServer (`propagateRW` toConnection localH))
TCP -> runTCPServer (localBind, localPort) (\localH -> tunnelServer (`propagateRW` toConnection localH))
runServer :: Bool -> (HostName, PortNumber) -> ((ByteString, Int) -> Bool) -> IO ()
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