use super::{to_host_port, JwtTunnelConfig, JWT_HEADER_PREFIX, JWT_KEY}; use crate::{LocalProtocol, LocalToRemote, WsClientConfig}; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context}; use base64::Engine; use bytes::Bytes; use fastwebsockets::WebSocket; use futures_util::pin_mut; use http_body_util::Empty; use hyper::body::Incoming; use hyper::header::{AUTHORIZATION, COOKIE, SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL, SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION, UPGRADE}; use hyper::header::{CONNECTION, HOST, SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY}; use hyper::upgrade::Upgraded; use hyper::{Request, Response}; use hyper_util::rt::{TokioExecutor, TokioIo}; use std::future::Future; use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut}; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite}; use tokio::sync::oneshot; use tokio_stream::{Stream, StreamExt}; use tracing::log::debug; use tracing::{error, span, Instrument, Level, Span}; use url::{Host, Url}; use uuid::Uuid; fn tunnel_to_jwt_token(request_id: Uuid, tunnel: &LocalToRemote) -> String { let cfg = JwtTunnelConfig::new(request_id, tunnel); let (alg, secret) = JWT_KEY.deref(); jsonwebtoken::encode(alg, &cfg, secret).unwrap_or_default() } pub async fn connect( request_id: Uuid, client_cfg: &WsClientConfig, tunnel_cfg: &LocalToRemote, ) -> anyhow::Result<(WebSocket>, Response)> { let mut pooled_cnx = match client_cfg.cnx_pool().get().await { Ok(tcp_stream) => tcp_stream, Err(err) => Err(anyhow!("failed to get a connection to the server from the pool: {err:?}"))?, }; let mut req = Request::builder() .method("GET") .uri(format!("/{}/events", &client_cfg.http_upgrade_path_prefix,)) .header(HOST, &client_cfg.http_header_host) .header(UPGRADE, "websocket") .header(CONNECTION, "upgrade") .header(SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY, fastwebsockets::handshake::generate_key()) .header(SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION, "13") .header( SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL, format!("v1, {}{}", JWT_HEADER_PREFIX, tunnel_to_jwt_token(request_id, tunnel_cfg)), ) .version(hyper::Version::HTTP_11); for (k, v) in &client_cfg.http_headers { req = req.header(k, v); } if let Some(auth) = &client_cfg.http_upgrade_credentials { req = req.header(AUTHORIZATION, auth); } let req = req.body(Empty::::new()).with_context(|| { format!( "failed to build HTTP request to contact the server {:?}", client_cfg.remote_addr ) })?; debug!("with HTTP upgrade request {:?}", req); let transport = pooled_cnx.deref_mut().take().unwrap(); let (ws, response) = fastwebsockets::handshake::client(&TokioExecutor::new(), req, transport) .await .with_context(|| format!("failed to do websocket handshake with the server {:?}", client_cfg.remote_addr))?; Ok((ws, response)) } async fn connect_to_server( request_id: Uuid, client_cfg: &WsClientConfig, remote_cfg: &LocalToRemote, duplex_stream: (R, W), ) -> anyhow::Result<()> where R: AsyncRead + Send + 'static, W: AsyncWrite + Send + 'static, { let (mut ws, _) = connect(request_id, client_cfg, remote_cfg).await?; ws.set_auto_apply_mask(client_cfg.websocket_mask_frame); let (ws_rx, ws_tx) = ws.split(tokio::io::split); let (local_rx, local_tx) = duplex_stream; let (close_tx, close_rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>(); // Forward local tx to websocket tx let ping_frequency = client_cfg.websocket_ping_frequency; tokio::spawn( super::io::propagate_read(local_rx, ws_tx, close_tx, Some(ping_frequency)).instrument(Span::current()), ); // Forward websocket rx to local rx let _ = super::io::propagate_write(local_tx, ws_rx, close_rx).await; Ok(()) } pub async fn run_tunnel( client_config: Arc, tunnel_cfg: LocalToRemote, incoming_cnx: T, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> where T: Stream>, R: AsyncRead + Send + 'static, W: AsyncWrite + Send + 'static, { pin_mut!(incoming_cnx); while let Some(Ok((cnx_stream, remote_dest))) = { let request_id = Uuid::now_v7(); let span = span!( Level::INFO, "tunnel", id = request_id.to_string(), remote = format!("{}:{}", remote_dest.1, remote_dest.2) ); let mut tunnel_cfg = tunnel_cfg.clone(); tunnel_cfg.local_protocol = remote_dest.0; tunnel_cfg.remote = (remote_dest.1, remote_dest.2); let client_config = client_config.clone(); let tunnel = async move { let _ = connect_to_server(request_id, &client_config, &tunnel_cfg, cnx_stream) .await .map_err(|err| error!("{:?}", err)); } .instrument(span); tokio::spawn(tunnel); } Ok(()) } pub async fn run_reverse_tunnel( client_config: Arc, mut tunnel_cfg: LocalToRemote, connect_to_dest: F, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> where F: Fn((Host, u16)) -> Fut, Fut: Future>, T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Send + 'static, { // Invert local with remote let remote_ori = tunnel_cfg.remote; tunnel_cfg.remote = to_host_port(tunnel_cfg.local); loop { let client_config = client_config.clone(); let request_id = Uuid::now_v7(); let span = span!( Level::INFO, "tunnel", id = request_id.to_string(), remote = format!("{}:{}", tunnel_cfg.remote.0, tunnel_cfg.remote.1) ); let _span = span.enter(); // Correctly configure tunnel cfg let (mut ws, response) = connect(request_id, &client_config, &tunnel_cfg) .instrument(span.clone()) .await?; ws.set_auto_apply_mask(client_config.websocket_mask_frame); // Connect to endpoint let remote = response .headers() .get(COOKIE) .and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok()) .and_then(|h| base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD.decode(h).ok()) .and_then(|h| Url::parse(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&h)).ok()) .and_then(|url| match (, url.port_or_known_default()) { (Some(h), Some(p)) => Some((h.to_owned(), p)), _ => None, }) .unwrap_or(remote_ori.clone()); let stream = match connect_to_dest(remote.clone()).instrument(span.clone()).await { Ok(s) => s, Err(err) => { error!("Cannot connect to {remote:?}: {err:?}"); continue; } }; let (local_rx, local_tx) = tokio::io::split(stream); let (ws_rx, ws_tx) = ws.split(tokio::io::split); let (close_tx, close_rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>(); let tunnel = async move { let ping_frequency = client_config.websocket_ping_frequency; tokio::spawn( super::io::propagate_read(local_rx, ws_tx, close_tx, Some(ping_frequency)).instrument(Span::current()), ); // Forward websocket rx to local rx let _ = super::io::propagate_write(local_tx, ws_rx, close_rx).await; } .instrument(span.clone()); tokio::spawn(tunnel); } }