{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-} module Main where import Tunnel import ClassyPrelude (ByteString, guard, readMay, traceShowId) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Environment (getArgs, withArgs) import qualified System.Log.Logger as LOG data WsTunnel = WsTunnel { localToRemote :: String -- , remoteToLocal :: String -- , dynamicToRemote :: String , wsTunnelServer :: String , udpMode :: Bool , proxy :: String , serverMode :: Bool , restrictTo :: String , verbose :: Bool , quiet :: Bool } deriving (Show, Data, Typeable) data WsServerInfo = WsServerInfo { useTls :: !Bool , host :: !String , port :: !Int } deriving (Show) data TunnelInfo = TunnelInfo { localHost :: !String , localPort :: !Int , remoteHost :: !String , remotePort :: !Int } deriving (Show) cmdLine :: WsTunnel cmdLine = WsTunnel { localToRemote = def &= explicit &= name "L" &= name "localToRemote" &= typ "[BIND:]PORT:HOST:PORT" &= help "Listen on local and forward traffic from remote" &= groupname "Client options" -- , remoteToLocal = def &= explicit &= name "R" &= name "RemoteToLocal" &= typ "[BIND:]PORT:HOST:PORT" -- &= help "Listen on remote and forward traffic from local" , udpMode = def &= explicit &= name "u" &= name "udp" &= help "forward UDP traffic instead of TCP" , proxy = def &= explicit &= name "p" &= name "httpProxy" &= help "If set, will use this proxy to connect to the server" &= typ "USER:PASS@HOST:PORT" , wsTunnelServer = def &= argPos 0 &= typ "ws[s]://wstunnelServer[:port]" , serverMode = def &= explicit &= name "server" &= help "Start a server that will forward traffic for you" &= groupname "Server options" , restrictTo = def &= explicit &= name "r" &= name "restrictTo" &= help "Accept traffic to be forwarded only to this service" &= typ "HOST:PORT" , verbose = def &= groupname "Common options" &= help "Print debug information" , quiet = def &= help "Print only errors" } &= summary ( "Use the websockets protocol to tunnel {TCP,UDP} traffic\n" ++ "wsTunnelClient <---> wsTunnelServer <---> RemoteHost\n" ++ "Use secure connection (wss://) to bypass proxies" ) &= helpArg [explicit, name "help", name "h"] toPort :: String -> Int toPort str = case readMay str of Just por -> por Nothing -> error $ "Invalid port number `" ++ str ++ "`" parseServerInfo :: WsServerInfo -> String -> WsServerInfo parseServerInfo server [] = server parseServerInfo server ('w':'s':':':'/':'/':xs) = parseServerInfo (server {Main.useTls = False, Main.port = 80}) xs parseServerInfo server ('w':'s':'s':':':'/':'/':xs) = parseServerInfo (server {Main.useTls = True, Main.port = 443}) xs parseServerInfo server (':':prt) = server {Main.port = toPort prt} parseServerInfo server hostPath = parseServerInfo (server {Main.host = takeWhile (/= ':') hostPath}) (dropWhile (/= ':') hostPath) parseTunnelInfo :: String -> TunnelInfo parseTunnelInfo str = mk $ BC.unpack <$> BC.split ':' (BC.pack str) where mk [lPort, host, rPort] = TunnelInfo {localHost = "", Main.localPort = toPort lPort, remoteHost = host, remotePort = toPort rPort} mk [bind,lPort, host,rPort] = TunnelInfo {localHost = bind, Main.localPort = toPort lPort, remoteHost = host, remotePort = toPort rPort} mk _ = error $ "Invalid tunneling information `" ++ str ++ "`, please use format [BIND:]PORT:HOST:PORT" parseRestrictTo :: String -> ((ByteString, Int) -> Bool) parseRestrictTo "" = const True parseRestrictTo str = let (!h, !p) = fromMaybe (error "Invalid Parameter restart") parse in (\(!hst, !port) -> hst == h && port == p) where parse = do let ret = BC.unpack <$> BC.split ':' (BC.pack str) guard (length ret == 2) portNumber <- readMay $ ret !! 1 :: Maybe Int return (BC.pack (head ret), portNumber) parseProxyInfo :: String -> Maybe ProxySettings parseProxyInfo str = do let ret = BC.split ':' (BC.pack str) guard (length ret >= 2) if length ret == 3 then do portNumber <- readMay $ BC.unpack $ ret !! 2 :: Maybe Int let cred = (head ret, head (BC.split '@' (ret !! 1))) let h = BC.split '@' (ret !! 1) !! 1 return $ ProxySettings (BC.unpack h) (fromIntegral portNumber) (Just cred) else if length ret == 2 then do portNumber <- readMay . BC.unpack $ ret !! 1 :: Maybe Int return $ ProxySettings (BC.unpack $ head ret) (fromIntegral portNumber) Nothing else Nothing main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs cfg <- if null args then withArgs ["--help"] (cmdArgs cmdLine) else cmdArgs cmdLine let serverInfo = parseServerInfo (WsServerInfo False "" 0) (wsTunnelServer cfg) LOG.updateGlobalLogger "wstunnel" (if quiet cfg then LOG.setLevel LOG.ERROR else if verbose cfg then LOG.setLevel LOG.DEBUG else LOG.setLevel LOG.INFO) if serverMode cfg then putStrLn ("Starting server with opts " ++ show serverInfo ) >> runServer (Main.useTls serverInfo) (Main.host serverInfo, fromIntegral $ Main.port serverInfo) (parseRestrictTo $ restrictTo cfg) else if not $ null (localToRemote cfg) then let (TunnelInfo lHost lPort rHost rPort) = parseTunnelInfo (localToRemote cfg) in runClient TunnelSettings { localBind = lHost , Tunnel.localPort = fromIntegral lPort , serverHost = Main.host serverInfo , serverPort = fromIntegral $ Main.port serverInfo , destHost = rHost , destPort = fromIntegral rPort , Tunnel.useTls = Main.useTls serverInfo , protocol = if udpMode cfg then UDP else TCP , proxySetting = parseProxyInfo (proxy cfg) } else return () putStrLn "Goodbye !" return ()