Σrebe - Romain GERARD 1ca69673f5 Disable stdio for non unix
Former-commit-id: 9517420cf008ad68394c6f165c2854fa953027f8 [formerly 2f040f62537bfc2c720fac154d01da5025653d2f] [formerly 092cf2ee3cc7802316f45fd5d365d4eea26f4a70 [formerly 95539ed457c1a4370d476ae65feaf8c886bda618]]
Former-commit-id: 0287c62a86569d98886dfab52f069bf23baee92b [formerly 36e646d84a645a2f57715c80ae5c481c31c721b4]
Former-commit-id: 13fe8829cbd6c6af7712af0a13d52e4f21f3446c
Former-commit-id: 0b9a49925044d3d5b74d1e661cd0f179db93d8b8
Former-commit-id: fe0919c17783cde0d5d9af3ca5f63c7eb24044c5
Former-commit-id: 0dcce5ab0bc07b76095d097149b8d434578ded15 [formerly 5ab64e56d05f73f5f79dab98c621cc3c34407840]
Former-commit-id: ca56d5ac22971711babeb12cc1aac0889a464b1d
2023-10-15 21:02:54 +02:00

618 lines
21 KiB

mod embedded_certificate;
#[cfg(target_family = "unix")]
mod stdio;
mod tcp;
mod tls;
mod transport;
mod udp;
use base64::Engine;
use clap::Parser;
use futures_util::{pin_mut, stream, Stream, StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use hyper::http::HeaderValue;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::io;
use std::io::ErrorKind;
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio_rustls::rustls::server::DnsName;
use tokio_rustls::rustls::{Certificate, PrivateKey, ServerName};
use tracing::{debug, error, field, instrument, Instrument, Span};
use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;
use url::{Host, Url};
use uuid::Uuid;
/// Use the websockets protocol to tunnel {TCP,UDP} traffic
/// wsTunnelClient <---> wsTunnelServer <---> RemoteHost
/// Use secure connection (wss://) to bypass proxies
#[derive(clap::Parser, Debug)]
#[command(author, version, about, verbatim_doc_comment, long_about = None)]
struct Wstunnel {
commands: Commands,
#[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug)]
enum Commands {
#[derive(clap::Args, Debug)]
struct Client {
/// Listen on local and forwards traffic from remote
/// Can be specified multiple times
#[arg(short='L', long, value_name = "{tcp,udp}://[BIND:]PORT:HOST:PORT", value_parser = parse_env_var)]
local_to_remote: Vec<LocalToRemote>,
/// (linux only) Mark network packet with SO_MARK sockoption with the specified value.
/// You need to use {root, sudo, capabilities} to run wstunnel when using this option
#[arg(long, value_name = "INT", verbatim_doc_comment)]
socket_so_mark: Option<u32>,
/// Domain name that will be use as SNI during TLS handshake
/// Warning: If you are behind a CDN (i.e: Cloudflare) you must set this domain also in the http HOST header.
/// or it will be flag as fishy as your request rejected
#[arg(long, value_name = "DOMAIN_NAME", value_parser = parse_sni_override, verbatim_doc_comment)]
tls_sni_override: Option<DnsName>,
/// Enable TLS certificate verification.
/// Disabled by default. The client will happily connect to any server with self signed certificate.
#[arg(long, verbatim_doc_comment)]
tls_verify_certificate: bool,
/// Use a specific prefix that will show up in the http path during the upgrade request.
/// Useful if you need to route requests server side but don't have vhosts
#[arg(long, default_value = "morille", verbatim_doc_comment)]
http_upgrade_path_prefix: String,
/// Pass authorization header with basic auth credentials during the upgrade request.
/// If you need more customization, you can use the http_headers option.
#[arg(long, value_name = "USER[:PASS]", value_parser = parse_http_credentials, verbatim_doc_comment)]
http_upgrade_credentials: Option<HeaderValue>,
/// Frequency at which the client will send websocket ping to the server.
#[arg(long, value_name = "seconds", default_value = "30", value_parser = parse_duration_sec, verbatim_doc_comment)]
websocket_ping_frequency_sec: Option<Duration>,
/// Enable the masking of websocket frames. Default is false
/// Enable this option only if you use unsecure (non TLS) websocket server and you see some issues. Otherwise, it is just overhead.
#[arg(long, default_value = "false", verbatim_doc_comment)]
websocket_mask_frame: bool,
/// Send custom headers in the upgrade request
/// Can be specified multiple time
#[arg(short='H', long, value_name = "HEADER_NAME: HEADER_VALUE", value_parser = parse_http_headers, verbatim_doc_comment)]
http_headers: Vec<(String, HeaderValue)>,
/// Address of the wstunnel server
/// Example: With TLS wss:// or without ws://
#[arg(value_name = "ws[s]://[:port]", value_parser = parse_server_url, verbatim_doc_comment)]
remote_addr: Url,
#[derive(clap::Args, Debug)]
struct Server {
/// Address of the wstunnel server to bind to
/// Example: With TLS wss:// or without ws://[::]:8080
#[arg(value_name = "ws[s]://[:port]", value_parser = parse_server_url, verbatim_doc_comment)]
remote_addr: Url,
/// (linux only) Mark network packet with SO_MARK sockoption with the specified value.
/// You need to use {root, sudo, capabilities} to run wstunnel when using this option
#[arg(long, value_name = "INT", verbatim_doc_comment)]
socket_so_mark: Option<i32>,
/// Frequency at which the server will send websocket ping to client.
#[arg(long, value_name = "seconds", value_parser = parse_duration_sec, verbatim_doc_comment)]
websocket_ping_frequency_sec: Option<Duration>,
/// Enable the masking of websocket frames. Default is false
/// Enable this option only if you use unsecure (non TLS) websocket server and you see some issues. Otherwise, it is just overhead.
#[arg(long, default_value = "false", verbatim_doc_comment)]
websocket_mask_frame: bool,
/// Server will only accept connection from the specified tunnel information.
/// Can be specified multiple time
/// Example: --restrict-to "" --restrict-to "localhost:22"
#[arg(long, value_name = "DEST:PORT", verbatim_doc_comment)]
restrict_to: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// [Optional] Use custom certificate (.crt) instead of the default embedded self signed certificate.
#[arg(long, value_name = "FILE_PATH", verbatim_doc_comment)]
tls_certificate: Option<PathBuf>,
/// [Optional] Use a custom tls key (.key) that the server will use instead of the default embedded one
#[arg(long, value_name = "FILE_PATH", verbatim_doc_comment)]
tls_private_key: Option<PathBuf>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
enum L4Protocol {
Udp { timeout: Option<Duration> },
impl L4Protocol {
fn new_udp() -> L4Protocol {
L4Protocol::Udp {
timeout: Some(Duration::from_secs(30)),
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct LocalToRemote {
socket_so_mark: Option<i32>,
protocol: L4Protocol,
local: SocketAddr,
remote: (Host<String>, u16),
fn parse_duration_sec(arg: &str) -> Result<Duration, io::Error> {
use std::io::Error;
let Ok(secs) = arg.parse::<u64>() else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot duration of seconds from {}", arg),
fn parse_env_var(arg: &str) -> Result<LocalToRemote, io::Error> {
use std::io::Error;
let (mut protocol, arg) = match &arg[..6] {
"tcp://" => (L4Protocol::Tcp, &arg[6..]),
"udp://" => (L4Protocol::new_udp(), &arg[6..]),
_ => match &arg[..8] {
"stdio://" => (L4Protocol::Stdio, &arg[8..]),
_ => (L4Protocol::Tcp, arg),
let (bind, remaining) = if arg.starts_with('[') {
// ipv6 bind
let Some((ipv6_str, remaining)) = arg.split_once(']') else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse IPv6 bind from {}", arg),
let Ok(ipv6_addr) = Ipv6Addr::from_str(&ipv6_str[1..]) else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse IPv6 bind from {}", ipv6_str),
(IpAddr::V6(ipv6_addr), remaining)
} else {
// Maybe ipv4 addr
let Some((ipv4_str, remaining)) = arg.split_once(':') else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse IPv4 bind from {}", arg),
match Ipv4Addr::from_str(ipv4_str) {
Ok(ip4_addr) => (IpAddr::V4(ip4_addr), remaining),
// Must be the port, so we default to ipv6 bind
Err(_) => (IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::from_str("").unwrap()), arg),
let Some((port_str, remaining)) = remaining.trim_start_matches(':').split_once(':') else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse bind port from {}", remaining),
let Ok(bind_port): Result<u16, _> = port_str.parse() else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse bind port from {}", port_str),
let Ok(remote) = Url::parse(&format!("fake://{}", remaining)) else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse remote from {}", remaining),
let Some(remote_host) = else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse remote host from {}", remaining),
let Some(remote_port) = remote.port() else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse remote port from {}", remaining),
let options: BTreeMap<Cow<'_, str>, Cow<'_, str>> = remote.query_pairs().collect();
match &mut protocol {
L4Protocol::Stdio => {}
L4Protocol::Tcp => {}
L4Protocol::Udp {
ref mut timeout, ..
} => {
if let Some(duration) = options
.and_then(|x| x.parse::<u64>().ok())
.map(|d| {
if d == 0 {
} else {
*timeout = duration;
Ok(LocalToRemote {
socket_so_mark: options
.and_then(|x| x.parse::<i32>().ok()),
local: SocketAddr::new(bind, bind_port),
remote: (remote_host.to_owned(), remote_port),
fn parse_sni_override(arg: &str) -> Result<DnsName, io::Error> {
match DnsName::try_from(arg.to_string()) {
Ok(val) => Ok(val),
Err(err) => Err(io::Error::new(
format!("Invalid sni override: {}", err),
fn parse_http_headers(arg: &str) -> Result<(String, HeaderValue), io::Error> {
let Some((key, value)) = arg.split_once(':') else {
return Err(io::Error::new(
format!("cannot parse http header from {}", arg),
let value = match HeaderValue::from_str(value.trim()) {
Ok(value) => value,
Err(err) => {
return Err(io::Error::new(
"cannot parse http header value from {} due to {:?}",
value, err
Ok((key.to_owned(), value))
fn parse_http_credentials(arg: &str) -> Result<HeaderValue, io::Error> {
let encoded = base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD.encode(arg.trim().as_bytes());
let Ok(header) = HeaderValue::from_str(&format!("Basic {}", encoded)) else {
return Err(io::Error::new(
format!("cannot parse http credentials {}", arg),
fn parse_server_url(arg: &str) -> Result<Url, io::Error> {
let Ok(url) = Url::parse(arg) else {
return Err(io::Error::new(
format!("cannot parse server url {}", arg),
if url.scheme() != "ws" && url.scheme() != "wss" {
return Err(io::Error::new(
format!("invalid scheme {}", url.scheme()),
if {
return Err(io::Error::new(
format!("invalid server host {}", arg),
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct TlsClientConfig {
pub tls_sni_override: Option<DnsName>,
pub tls_verify_certificate: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct TlsServerConfig {
pub tls_certificate: Vec<Certificate>,
pub tls_key: PrivateKey,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct WsServerConfig {
pub socket_so_mark: Option<i32>,
pub bind: SocketAddr,
pub restrict_to: Option<Vec<String>>,
pub websocket_ping_frequency: Option<Duration>,
pub timeout_connect: Duration,
pub websocket_mask_frame: bool,
pub tls: Option<TlsServerConfig>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct WsClientConfig {
pub remote_addr: (Host<String>, u16),
pub tls: Option<TlsClientConfig>,
pub http_upgrade_path_prefix: String,
pub http_upgrade_credentials: Option<HeaderValue>,
pub http_headers: HashMap<String, HeaderValue>,
pub timeout_connect: Duration,
pub websocket_ping_frequency: Duration,
pub websocket_mask_frame: bool,
impl WsClientConfig {
pub fn websocket_scheme(&self) -> &'static str {
match self.tls {
None => "ws",
Some(_) => "wss",
pub fn websocket_host_url(&self) -> String {
format!("{}:{}", self.remote_addr.0, self.remote_addr.1)
pub fn tls_server_name(&self) -> ServerName {
match self
.and_then(|tls| tls.tls_sni_override.as_ref())
None => match &self.remote_addr.0 {
Host::Domain(domain) => {
Host::Ipv4(ip) => ServerName::IpAddress(IpAddr::V4(*ip)),
Host::Ipv6(ip) => ServerName::IpAddress(IpAddr::V6(*ip)),
Some(sni_override) => ServerName::DnsName(sni_override.clone()),
async fn main() {
let args = Wstunnel::parse();
// Setup logging
match &args.commands {
// Disable logging if there is a stdio tunnel
if args
.filter(|x| x.protocol == L4Protocol::Stdio)
> 0 => {}
_ => {
match args.commands {
Commands::Client(args) => {
let tls = match args.remote_addr.scheme() {
"ws" => None,
"wss" => Some(TlsClientConfig {
tls_sni_override: args.tls_sni_override,
tls_verify_certificate: args.tls_verify_certificate,
_ => panic!("invalid scheme in server url {}", args.remote_addr.scheme()),
let server_config = Arc::new(WsClientConfig {
remote_addr: (,
http_upgrade_path_prefix: args.http_upgrade_path_prefix,
http_upgrade_credentials: args.http_upgrade_credentials,
http_headers: args.http_headers.into_iter().collect(),
timeout_connect: Duration::from_secs(10),
websocket_ping_frequency: args
websocket_mask_frame: args.websocket_mask_frame,
// Start tunnels
for tunnel in args.local_to_remote.into_iter() {
let server_config = server_config.clone();
match &tunnel.protocol {
L4Protocol::Tcp => {
let server = tcp::run_server(tunnel.local)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
panic!("Cannot start TCP server on {}: {}", tunnel.local, err)
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = run_tunnel(server_config, tunnel, server).await {
error!("{:?}", err);
L4Protocol::Udp { timeout } => {
let server = udp::run_server(tunnel.local, *timeout)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
panic!("Cannot start UDP server on {}: {}", tunnel.local, err)
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = run_tunnel(server_config, tunnel, server).await {
error!("{:?}", err);
L4Protocol::Stdio => {
#[cfg(target_family = "unix")]
let server = stdio::run_server().await.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
panic!("Cannot start STDIO server: {}", err);
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = run_tunnel(
stream::once(async move { Ok(server) }),
error!("{:?}", err);
#[cfg(not(target_family = "unix"))]
panic!("stdio is not implemented for non unix platform")
Commands::Server(args) => {
let tls_config = if args.remote_addr.scheme() == "wss" {
let tls_certificate = if let Some(cert_path) = args.tls_certificate {
.expect("Cannot load tls certificate")
} else {
let tls_key = if let Some(key_path) = args.tls_private_key {
tls::load_private_key_from_file(&key_path).expect("Cannot load tls private key")
} else {
Some(TlsServerConfig {
} else {
let server_config = WsServerConfig {
socket_so_mark: args.socket_so_mark,
bind: args.remote_addr.socket_addrs(|| Some(8080)).unwrap()[0],
restrict_to: args.restrict_to,
websocket_ping_frequency: args.websocket_ping_frequency_sec,
timeout_connect: Duration::from_secs(10),
websocket_mask_frame: args.websocket_mask_frame,
tls: tls_config,
debug!("{:?}", server_config);
.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
panic!("Cannot start wstunnel server: {:?}", err);
#[instrument(name="tunnel", level="info", skip_all, fields(id=field::Empty, remote=field::Empty))]
async fn run_tunnel<T, R, W>(
server_config: Arc<WsClientConfig>,
tunnel: LocalToRemote,
incoming_cnx: T,
) -> anyhow::Result<()>
T: Stream<Item = io::Result<(R, W)>>,
R: AsyncRead + Send + 'static,
W: AsyncWrite + Send + 'static,
let span = Span::current();
let request_id = Uuid::now_v7();
span.record("id", request_id.to_string());
&format!("{}:{}", tunnel.remote.0, tunnel.remote.1),
let tunnel = Arc::new(tunnel);
while let Some(Ok(cnx_stream)) = {
let server_config = server_config.clone();
let tunnel = tunnel.clone();
async move {
let ret =
transport::connect_to_server(request_id, &server_config, &tunnel, cnx_stream)
if let Err(ret) = ret {
error!("{:?}", ret);