Σrebe - Romain GERARD 23051c7982 Add support for socks5 ipv4
Former-commit-id: 93f444c7554b05a247beb3cef3f9e9e67dbdf04e
Former-commit-id: 9f48bc09d61b4b0723553ad7635382570dd8568a [formerly 726f62c02f451aa3d3bce2d43f82fb89ac57df6f] [formerly ecc452136b37f5387b8328f0a067ef14d3ae20ea [formerly a198098e9a56b46b7e699f43287c479bc80c7dc1 [formerly a198098e9a56b46b7e699f43287c479bc80c7dc1 [formerly a198098e9a56b46b7e699f43287c479bc80c7dc1 [formerly c42827e3842267f52c65419a91c91672294d8e60]]]]]
Former-commit-id: 7302ac40185825650c63dbbbb7746fa628ec7aea [formerly 2f2dbaf7687a712ecf7efe02c937c667bccce360]
Former-commit-id: dca93f1ee79fbf5a7243fc664c3e71b9ffeedfdd
Former-commit-id: 01939d01a83faea0e336403371fdcfbcf668694c
Former-commit-id: d3f7507bdee393f93c79fba6aac49fa68d6788cc
Former-commit-id: 7715e5d09783415843b188584ff4f339171bb266 [formerly c2fe751fae043fca4df6a3bbe0fcf790feaa3115]
Former-commit-id: 57ea26c8efe39e0f025b806af4607edd1bc928f4
2023-01-18 20:34:54 +01:00

241 lines
7.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import ClassyPrelude hiding (getArgs, head)
import qualified Logger
import qualified Network.Socket as N hiding (recv, recvFrom,
send, sendTo)
import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as N
import qualified Data.Conduit.Network.TLS as N
import qualified Data.Streaming.Network as N
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI )
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import Data.ByteString (hPutStr)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Test.Hspec
import Data.Binary (decode, encode)
import Tunnel
import Types
import Protocols
import Credentials
import qualified Socks5 as Socks5
testTCPLocalToRemote :: Bool -> IO ()
testTCPLocalToRemote useTLS = do
Logger.init Logger.VERBOSE
success <- newIORef False
let needle = "toto"
let serverPort = 8080
let tls = if useTLS then Just (Credentials.certificate, Credentials.key) else Nothing
let serverWithoutTLS = runServer tls ("", serverPort) (const True)
let tunnelSetting = TunnelSettings {
localBind = "localhost"
, Types.localPort = fromIntegral 8081
, serverHost = "localhost"
, serverPort = fromIntegral serverPort
, destHost = "localhost"
, destPort = fromIntegral 8082
, Types.useTls = useTLS
, protocol = TCP
, proxySetting = Nothing
, useSocks = False
, upgradePrefix = "wstunnel"
, udpTimeout = 0
, upgradeCredentials = ""
, hostHeader = ""
, tlsSNI = ""
, websocketPingFrequencySec = 30
, customHeaders = [( "toto", "tata"), ( "titi", "tutu")]
, tlsVerifyCertificate = False
let client = runClient tunnelSetting
let remoteSetting = N.serverSettingsTCP (fromIntegral 8082) "localhost"
let remoteServerEndpoint = N.runTCPServer remoteSetting $ (\sClient -> do N.appRead sClient >>= \payload -> if payload == needle then writeIORef success True else writeIORef success False)
let localClient = rrunTCPClient (N.clientSettingsTCP (fromIntegral 8081) "localhost") (\cnx -> write cnx needle)
putStrLn "Starting remote endpoint"
Async.async $ timeout (10 * 10^6) remoteServerEndpoint
threadDelay (1 * 10^6)
putStrLn "Starting wstunnel server"
Async.async $ timeout (10 * 10^6) serverWithoutTLS
threadDelay (1 * 10^6)
putStrLn "Starting wstunnel client"
Async.async $ timeout (10 * 10^6) client
threadDelay (1 * 10^6)
putStrLn "Writing data to the pipeline"
_ <- localClient
threadDelay (7 * 10^6)
isSuccess <- readIORef success
if not isSuccess
then throwString "Tunnel is not working"
else putStrLn "Success"
testUDPLocalToRemote :: Bool -> IO ()
testUDPLocalToRemote useTLS = do
Logger.init Logger.VERBOSE
success <- newIORef False
let needle = "toto"
let serverPort = 8080
let tls = if useTLS then Just (Credentials.certificate, Credentials.key) else Nothing
let serverWithoutTLS = runServer tls ("", serverPort) (const True)
let tunnelSetting = TunnelSettings {
localBind = "localhost"
, Types.localPort = fromIntegral 8081
, serverHost = "localhost"
, serverPort = fromIntegral serverPort
, destHost = "localhost"
, destPort = fromIntegral 8082
, Types.useTls = useTLS
, protocol = UDP
, proxySetting = Nothing
, useSocks = False
, upgradePrefix = "wstunnel"
, udpTimeout = -1
, upgradeCredentials = ""
, hostHeader = ""
, tlsSNI = ""
, websocketPingFrequencySec = 30
, customHeaders = [( "toto", "tata"), ( "titi", "tutu")]
, tlsVerifyCertificate = False
let client = runClient tunnelSetting
let remoteServerEndpoint = runUDPServer ("localhost", fromIntegral 8082) (-1) $ (\sClient -> do read (toConnection sClient) >>= \(Just payload) -> if payload == needle then writeIORef success True else writeIORef success False)
let localClient = runUDPClient ("localhost", fromIntegral 8081) (\cnx -> write (toConnection cnx) needle)
putStrLn "Starting remote endpoint"
Async.async $ timeout (10 * 10^6) remoteServerEndpoint
threadDelay (1 * 10^6)
putStrLn "Starting wstunnel server"
Async.async $ timeout (10 * 10^6) serverWithoutTLS
threadDelay (1 * 10^6)
putStrLn "Starting wstunnel client"
Async.async $ timeout (10 * 10^6) client
threadDelay (1 * 10^6)
putStrLn "Writing data to the pipeline"
_ <- localClient
threadDelay (7 * 10^6)
isSuccess <- readIORef success
if not isSuccess
then throwString "Tunnel is not working"
else putStrLn "Success"
testSocks5Tunneling :: Bool -> IO ()
testSocks5Tunneling useTLS = do
Logger.init Logger.VERBOSE
success <- newIORef False
let needle = "toto"
let serverPort = 8080
let tls = if useTLS then Just (Credentials.certificate, Credentials.key) else Nothing
let serverWithoutTLS = runServer tls ("", serverPort) (const True)
let tunnelSetting = TunnelSettings {
localBind = "localhost"
, Types.localPort = fromIntegral 8081
, serverHost = "localhost"
, serverPort = fromIntegral serverPort
, destHost = ""
, destPort = 0
, Types.useTls = useTLS
, protocol = SOCKS5
, proxySetting = Nothing
, useSocks = False
, upgradePrefix = "wstunnel"
, udpTimeout = -1
, upgradeCredentials = ""
, hostHeader = ""
, tlsSNI = ""
, websocketPingFrequencySec = 30
, customHeaders = [( "toto", "tata"), ( "titi", "tutu")]
, tlsVerifyCertificate = False
let client = runClient tunnelSetting
let remoteSetting = N.serverSettingsTCP (fromIntegral 8082) "localhost"
let remoteServerEndpoint = N.runTCPServer remoteSetting $ (\sClient -> do N.appRead sClient >>= \payload -> if payload == needle then writeIORef success True else writeIORef success False)
putStrLn "Starting remote endpoint"
Async.async $ timeout (10 * 10^6) remoteServerEndpoint
threadDelay (1 * 10^6)
putStrLn "Starting wstunnel server"
Async.async $ timeout (10 * 10^6) serverWithoutTLS
threadDelay (1 * 10^6)
putStrLn "Starting wstunnel client"
Async.async $ timeout (10 * 10^6) client
threadDelay (1 * 10^6)
putStrLn "Writing data to the pipeline"
rrunTCPClient (N.clientSettingsTCP (fromIntegral 8081) "localhost") $ \cnx -> do
write cnx (toStrict . encode $ Socks5.RequestAuth (fromIntegral Socks5.socksVersion) (fromList [Socks5.NoAuth]))
_ <- read cnx
write cnx (toStrict . encode $ Socks5.Request (fromIntegral Socks5.socksVersion) Socks5.Connect "localhost" 8082 Socks5.DOMAIN_NAME)
_ <- read cnx
write cnx needle
threadDelay (7 * 10^6)
isSuccess <- readIORef success
if not isSuccess
then throwString "Tunnel is not working"
else putStrLn "Success"
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "Socks5 tunneling" $ do
it "Testing socks5 -D without TLS" $ do
testSocks5Tunneling False
it "Testing socks5 -D with TLS" $ do
testSocks5Tunneling True
describe "TCP tunneling" $ do
it "Testing TCP -L without TLS" $ do
testTCPLocalToRemote False
it "Testing TCP -L with TLS" $ do
testTCPLocalToRemote True
describe "UDP tunneling" $ do
it "Testing UDP -L without TLS" $ do
testUDPLocalToRemote False
it "Testing UDP -L with TLS" $ do
testUDPLocalToRemote True