Jasper Siepkes 88e42d3b9f
Allow client certificate CN to be used for upgrade path (#264)
This change causes the wstunnel client to use the common name (CN) of the client's certificate for the upgrade path when mTLS is enabled.
2024-05-06 10:00:08 +02:00

1354 lines
60 KiB

mod dns;
mod embedded_certificate;
mod restrictions;
mod socks5;
mod socks5_udp;
mod stdio;
mod tcp;
mod tls;
mod tunnel;
mod udp;
mod unix_socket;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use base64::Engine;
use clap::Parser;
use futures_util::{stream, TryStreamExt};
use hickory_resolver::config::{NameServerConfig, ResolverConfig, ResolverOpts};
use hyper::header::HOST;
use hyper::http::{HeaderName, HeaderValue};
use log::{debug, warn};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter};
use std::io::ErrorKind;
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, SocketAddrV6};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{fmt, io};
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio_rustls::rustls::server::DnsName;
use tokio_rustls::rustls::{Certificate, PrivateKey, ServerName};
use tokio_rustls::TlsConnector;
use tracing::{error, info};
use crate::dns::DnsResolver;
use crate::restrictions::types::RestrictionsRules;
use crate::tunnel::tls_reloader::TlsReloader;
use crate::tunnel::{to_host_port, RemoteAddr, TransportAddr, TransportScheme};
use crate::udp::MyUdpSocket;
use tracing_subscriber::filter::Directive;
use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;
use url::{Host, Url};
use x509_parser::{parse_x509_certificate};
use x509_parser::prelude::{X509Certificate};
/// Use Websocket or HTTP2 protocol to tunnel {TCP,UDP} traffic
/// wsTunnelClient <---> wsTunnelServer <---> RemoteHost
#[derive(clap::Parser, Debug)]
#[command(author, version, about, verbatim_doc_comment, long_about = None)]
struct Wstunnel {
commands: Commands,
/// Disable color output in logs
#[arg(long, global = true, verbatim_doc_comment, env = "NO_COLOR")]
no_color: Option<String>,
/// *WARNING* The flag does nothing, you need to set the env variable *WARNING*
/// Control the number of threads that will be used.
/// By default, it is equal the number of cpus
global = true,
value_name = "INT",
nb_worker_threads: Option<u32>,
/// Control the log verbosity. i.e: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, OFF
/// for more details:
global = true,
value_name = "LOG_LEVEL",
env = "RUST_LOG",
default_value = "INFO"
log_lvl: String,
#[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug)]
enum Commands {
#[derive(clap::Args, Debug)]
struct Client {
/// Listen on local and forwards traffic from remote. Can be specified multiple times
/// examples:
/// 'tcp://' => listen locally on tcp on port 1212 and forward to on port 443
/// 'tcp://2:n.lan:4?proxy_protocol' => listen locally on tcp on port 2 and forward to n.lan on port 4
/// Send a proxy protocol header v2 when establishing connection to n.lan
/// 'udp://1212:' => listen locally on udp on port 1212 and forward to cloudflare dns on port 53
/// 'udp://1212:' timeout_sec on udp force close the tunnel after 10sec. Set it to 0 to disable the timeout [default: 30]
/// 'socks5://[::1]:1212' => listen locally with socks5 on port 1212 and forward dynamically requested tunnel
/// 'tproxy+tcp://[::1]:1212' => listen locally on tcp on port 1212 as a *transparent proxy* and forward dynamically requested tunnel
/// 'tproxy+udp://[::1]:1212?timeout_sec=10' listen locally on udp on port 1212 as a *transparent proxy* and forward dynamically requested tunnel
/// linux only and requires sudo/CAP_NET_ADMIN
/// 'stdio://' => listen for data from stdio, mainly for `ssh -o ProxyCommand="wstunnel client -L stdio://%h:%p ws://localhost:8080" my-server`
/// 'unix:///tmp/' => listen for data from unix socket of path /tmp/wstunnel.sock and forward to
#[arg(short='L', long, value_name = "{tcp,udp,socks5,stdio,unix}://[BIND:]PORT:HOST:PORT", value_parser = parse_tunnel_arg, verbatim_doc_comment)]
local_to_remote: Vec<LocalToRemote>,
/// Listen on remote and forwards traffic from local. Can be specified multiple times. Only tcp is supported
/// examples:
/// 'tcp://' => listen on server for incoming tcp cnx on port 1212 and forward to on port 443 from local machine
/// 'udp://1212:' => listen on server for incoming udp on port 1212 and forward to cloudflare dns on port 53 from local machine
/// 'socks5://[::1]:1212' => listen on server for incoming socks5 request on port 1212 and forward dynamically request from local machine
/// 'unix://' => listen on server for incoming data from unix socket of path wstunnel.sock and forward to from local machine
#[arg(short='R', long, value_name = "{tcp,udp,socks5,unix}://[BIND:]PORT:HOST:PORT", value_parser = parse_tunnel_arg, verbatim_doc_comment)]
remote_to_local: Vec<LocalToRemote>,
/// (linux only) Mark network packet with SO_MARK sockoption with the specified value.
/// You need to use {root, sudo, capabilities} to run wstunnel when using this option
#[arg(long, value_name = "INT", verbatim_doc_comment)]
socket_so_mark: Option<u32>,
/// Client will maintain a pool of open connection to the server, in order to speed up the connection process.
/// This option set the maximum number of connection that will be kept open.
/// This is useful if you plan to create/destroy a lot of tunnel (i.e: with socks5 to navigate with a browser)
/// It will avoid the latency of doing tcp + tls handshake with the server
#[arg(short = 'c', long, value_name = "INT", default_value = "0", verbatim_doc_comment)]
connection_min_idle: u32,
/// Domain name that will be used as SNI during TLS handshake
/// Warning: If you are behind a CDN (i.e: Cloudflare) you must set this domain also in the http HOST header.
/// or it will be flagged as fishy and your request rejected
#[arg(long, value_name = "DOMAIN_NAME", value_parser = parse_sni_override, verbatim_doc_comment)]
tls_sni_override: Option<DnsName>,
/// Disable sending SNI during TLS handshake
/// Warning: Most reverse proxies rely on it
#[arg(long, verbatim_doc_comment)]
tls_sni_disable: bool,
/// Enable TLS certificate verification.
/// Disabled by default. The client will happily connect to any server with self-signed certificate.
#[arg(long, verbatim_doc_comment)]
tls_verify_certificate: bool,
/// If set, will use this http proxy to connect to the server
short = 'p',
value_name = "USER:PASS@HOST:PORT",
env = "HTTP_PROXY"
http_proxy: Option<String>,
/// If set, will use this login to connect to the http proxy. Override the one from --http-proxy
#[arg(long, value_name = "LOGIN", verbatim_doc_comment, env = "WSTUNNEL_HTTP_PROXY_LOGIN")]
http_proxy_login: Option<String>,
/// If set, will use this password to connect to the http proxy. Override the one from --http-proxy
value_name = "PASSWORD",
http_proxy_password: Option<String>,
/// Use a specific prefix that will show up in the http path during the upgrade request.
/// Useful if you need to route requests server side but don't have vhosts
short = 'P',
http_upgrade_path_prefix: String,
/// Pass authorization header with basic auth credentials during the upgrade request.
/// If you need more customization, you can use the http_headers option.
#[arg(long, value_name = "USER[:PASS]", value_parser = parse_http_credentials, verbatim_doc_comment)]
http_upgrade_credentials: Option<HeaderValue>,
/// Frequency at which the client will send websocket ping to the server.
#[arg(long, value_name = "seconds", default_value = "30", value_parser = parse_duration_sec, verbatim_doc_comment)]
websocket_ping_frequency_sec: Option<Duration>,
/// Enable the masking of websocket frames. Default is false
/// Enable this option only if you use unsecure (non TLS) websocket server, and you see some issues. Otherwise, it is just overhead.
#[arg(long, default_value = "false", verbatim_doc_comment)]
websocket_mask_frame: bool,
/// Send custom headers in the upgrade request
/// Can be specified multiple time
#[arg(short='H', long, value_name = "HEADER_NAME: HEADER_VALUE", value_parser = parse_http_headers, verbatim_doc_comment)]
http_headers: Vec<(HeaderName, HeaderValue)>,
/// Send custom headers in the upgrade request reading them from a file.
/// It overrides http_headers specified from command line.
/// File is read everytime and file format must contain lines with `HEADER_NAME: HEADER_VALUE`
#[arg(long, value_name = "FILE_PATH", verbatim_doc_comment)]
http_headers_file: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Address of the wstunnel server
/// You can either use websocket or http2 as transport protocol. Use websocket if you are unsure.
/// Example: For websocket with TLS wss:// or without ws://
/// For http2 with TLS or without
/// *WARNING* HTTP2 as transport protocol is harder to make it works because:
/// - If you are behind a (reverse) proxy/CDN they are going to buffer the whole request before forwarding it to the server
/// Obviously, this is not going to work for tunneling traffic
/// - if you have wstunnel behind a reverse proxy, most of them (i.e: nginx) are going to turn http2 request into http1
/// This is not going to work, because http1 does not support streaming naturally
/// The only way to make it works with http2 is to have wstunnel directly exposed to the internet without any reverse proxy in front of it
#[arg(value_name = "ws[s]|http[s]://[:port]", value_parser = parse_server_url, verbatim_doc_comment)]
remote_addr: Url,
/// [Optional] Certificate (pem) to present to the server when connecting over TLS (HTTPS).
/// Used when the server requires clients to authenticate themselves with a certificate (i.e. mTLS).
/// Unless overridden, the HTTP upgrade path will be configured to be the common name (CN) of the certificate.
/// The certificate will be automatically reloaded if it changes
#[arg(long, value_name = "FILE_PATH", verbatim_doc_comment)]
tls_certificate: Option<PathBuf>,
/// [Optional] The private key for the corresponding certificate used with mTLS.
/// The certificate will be automatically reloaded if it changes
#[arg(long, value_name = "FILE_PATH", verbatim_doc_comment)]
tls_private_key: Option<PathBuf>,
#[derive(clap::Args, Debug)]
struct Server {
/// Address of the wstunnel server to bind to
/// Example: With TLS wss:// or without ws://[::]:8080
/// The server is capable of detecting by itself if the request is websocket or http2. So you don't need to specify it.
#[arg(value_name = "ws[s]://[:port]", value_parser = parse_server_url, verbatim_doc_comment)]
remote_addr: Url,
/// (linux only) Mark network packet with SO_MARK sockoption with the specified value.
/// You need to use {root, sudo, capabilities} to run wstunnel when using this option
#[arg(long, value_name = "INT", verbatim_doc_comment)]
socket_so_mark: Option<u32>,
/// Frequency at which the server will send websocket ping to client.
#[arg(long, value_name = "seconds", value_parser = parse_duration_sec, verbatim_doc_comment)]
websocket_ping_frequency_sec: Option<Duration>,
/// Enable the masking of websocket frames. Default is false
/// Enable this option only if you use unsecure (non TLS) websocket server, and you see some issues. Otherwise, it is just overhead.
#[arg(long, default_value = "false", verbatim_doc_comment)]
websocket_mask_frame: bool,
/// Dns resolver to use to lookup ips of domain name
/// This option is not going to work if you use transparent proxy
/// Can be specified multiple time
/// Example:
/// dns:// for using udp
/// dns+ for using dns over HTTPS
/// dns+tls:// for using dns over TLS
/// To use libc resolver, use
/// system://
#[arg(long, verbatim_doc_comment)]
dns_resolver: Option<Vec<Url>>,
/// Server will only accept connection from the specified tunnel information.
/// Can be specified multiple time
/// Example: --restrict-to "" --restrict-to "localhost:22"
#[arg(long, value_name = "DEST:PORT", verbatim_doc_comment)]
restrict_to: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// Server will only accept connection from if this specific path prefix is used during websocket upgrade.
/// Useful if you specify in the client a custom path prefix, and you want the server to only allow this one.
/// The path prefix act as a secret to authenticate clients
/// Disabled by default. Accept all path prefix. Can be specified multiple time
short = 'r',
restrict_http_upgrade_path_prefix: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// Path to the location of the restriction yaml config file.
/// Restriction file is automatically reloaded if it changes
#[arg(long, verbatim_doc_comment)]
restrict_config: Option<PathBuf>,
/// [Optional] Use custom certificate (pem) instead of the default embedded self-signed certificate.
/// The certificate will be automatically reloaded if it changes
#[arg(long, value_name = "FILE_PATH", verbatim_doc_comment)]
tls_certificate: Option<PathBuf>,
/// [Optional] Use a custom tls key (pem, ec, rsa) that the server will use instead of the default embedded one
/// The private key will be automatically reloaded if it changes
#[arg(long, value_name = "FILE_PATH", verbatim_doc_comment)]
tls_private_key: Option<PathBuf>,
/// [Optional] Enables mTLS (client authentication with certificate). Argument must be PEM file
/// containing one or more certificates of CA's of which the certificate of clients needs to be signed with.
/// The ca will be automatically reloaded if it changes
#[arg(long, value_name = "FILE_PATH", verbatim_doc_comment)]
tls_client_ca_certs: Option<PathBuf>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
enum LocalProtocol {
Tcp { proxy_protocol: bool },
Udp { timeout: Option<Duration> },
Socks5 { timeout: Option<Duration> },
TProxyUdp { timeout: Option<Duration> },
ReverseUdp { timeout: Option<Duration> },
ReverseUnix { path: PathBuf },
Unix { path: PathBuf },
impl LocalProtocol {
pub fn is_reverse_tunnel(&self) -> bool {
LocalProtocol::ReverseTcp | LocalProtocol::ReverseUdp { .. } | LocalProtocol::ReverseSocks5
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct LocalToRemote {
local_protocol: LocalProtocol,
local: SocketAddr,
remote: (Host<String>, u16),
fn parse_duration_sec(arg: &str) -> Result<Duration, io::Error> {
use std::io::Error;
let Ok(secs) = arg.parse::<u64>() else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot duration of seconds from {}", arg),
fn parse_local_bind(arg: &str) -> Result<(SocketAddr, &str), io::Error> {
use std::io::Error;
let (bind, remaining) = if arg.starts_with('[') {
// ipv6 bind
let Some((ipv6_str, remaining)) = arg.split_once(']') else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse IPv6 bind from {}", arg),
let Ok(ipv6_addr) = Ipv6Addr::from_str(&ipv6_str[1..]) else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse IPv6 bind from {}", ipv6_str),
(IpAddr::V6(ipv6_addr), remaining)
} else {
// Maybe ipv4 addr
let (ipv4_str, remaining) = arg.split_once(':').unwrap_or((arg, ""));
match Ipv4Addr::from_str(ipv4_str) {
Ok(ip4_addr) => (IpAddr::V4(ip4_addr), remaining),
// Must be the port, so we default to ipv4 bind
Err(_) => (IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::from_str("").unwrap()), arg),
let remaining = remaining.trim_start_matches(':');
let (port_str, remaining) = remaining.split_once([':', '?']).unwrap_or((remaining, ""));
let Ok(bind_port): Result<u16, _> = port_str.parse() else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse bind port from {}", port_str),
Ok((SocketAddr::new(bind, bind_port), remaining))
fn parse_tunnel_dest(remaining: &str) -> Result<(Host<String>, u16, BTreeMap<String, String>), io::Error> {
use std::io::Error;
let Ok(remote) = Url::parse(&format!("fake://{}", remaining)) else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse remote from {}", remaining),
let Some(remote_host) = else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse remote host from {}", remaining),
let Some(remote_port) = remote.port() else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse remote port from {}", remaining),
let options: BTreeMap<String, String> = remote.query_pairs().into_owned().collect();
Ok((remote_host.to_owned(), remote_port, options))
fn parse_tunnel_arg(arg: &str) -> Result<LocalToRemote, io::Error> {
use std::io::Error;
match &arg[..6] {
"tcp://" => {
let (local_bind, remaining) = parse_local_bind(&arg[6..])?;
let (dest_host, dest_port, options) = parse_tunnel_dest(remaining)?;
let proxy_protocol = options.contains_key("proxy_protocol");
Ok(LocalToRemote {
local_protocol: LocalProtocol::Tcp { proxy_protocol },
local: local_bind,
remote: (dest_host, dest_port),
"udp://" => {
let (local_bind, remaining) = parse_local_bind(&arg[6..])?;
let (dest_host, dest_port, options) = parse_tunnel_dest(remaining)?;
let timeout = options
.and_then(|x| x.parse::<u64>().ok())
.map(|d| if d == 0 { None } else { Some(Duration::from_secs(d)) })
Ok(LocalToRemote {
local_protocol: LocalProtocol::Udp { timeout },
local: local_bind,
remote: (dest_host, dest_port),
"unix:/" => {
let Some((path, remote)) = arg[7..].split_once(':') else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("cannot parse unix socket path from {}", arg),
let (dest_host, dest_port, _options) = parse_tunnel_dest(remote)?;
Ok(LocalToRemote {
local_protocol: LocalProtocol::Unix {
path: PathBuf::from(path),
local: SocketAddr::V6(SocketAddrV6::new(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED, 0, 0, 0)),
remote: (dest_host, dest_port),
_ => match &arg[..8] {
"socks5:/" => {
let (local_bind, remaining) = parse_local_bind(&arg[9..])?;
let x = format!("{}", remaining);
let (dest_host, dest_port, options) = parse_tunnel_dest(&x)?;
let timeout = options
.and_then(|x| x.parse::<u64>().ok())
.map(|d| if d == 0 { None } else { Some(Duration::from_secs(d)) })
Ok(LocalToRemote {
local_protocol: LocalProtocol::Socks5 { timeout },
local: local_bind,
remote: (dest_host, dest_port),
"stdio://" => {
let (dest_host, dest_port, _options) = parse_tunnel_dest(&arg[8..])?;
Ok(LocalToRemote {
local_protocol: LocalProtocol::Stdio,
local: SocketAddr::V4(SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::from(0), 0)),
remote: (dest_host, dest_port),
"tproxy+t" => {
let (local_bind, remaining) = parse_local_bind(&arg["tproxy+tcp://".len()..])?;
let x = format!("{}", remaining);
let (dest_host, dest_port, _options) = parse_tunnel_dest(&x)?;
Ok(LocalToRemote {
local_protocol: LocalProtocol::TProxyTcp,
local: local_bind,
remote: (dest_host, dest_port),
"tproxy+u" => {
let (local_bind, remaining) = parse_local_bind(&arg["tproxy+udp://".len()..])?;
let x = format!("{}", remaining);
let (dest_host, dest_port, options) = parse_tunnel_dest(&x)?;
let timeout = options
.and_then(|x| x.parse::<u64>().ok())
.map(|d| if d == 0 { None } else { Some(Duration::from_secs(d)) })
Ok(LocalToRemote {
local_protocol: LocalProtocol::TProxyUdp { timeout },
local: local_bind,
remote: (dest_host, dest_port),
_ => Err(Error::new(
format!("Invalid local protocol for tunnel {}", arg),
fn parse_sni_override(arg: &str) -> Result<DnsName, io::Error> {
match DnsName::try_from(arg.to_string()) {
Ok(val) => Ok(val),
Err(err) => Err(io::Error::new(
format!("Invalid sni override: {}", err),
fn parse_http_headers(arg: &str) -> Result<(HeaderName, HeaderValue), io::Error> {
let Some((key, value)) = arg.split_once(':') else {
return Err(io::Error::new(
format!("cannot parse http header from {}", arg),
let value = match HeaderValue::from_str(value.trim()) {
Ok(value) => value,
Err(err) => {
return Err(io::Error::new(
format!("cannot parse http header value from {} due to {:?}", value, err),
Ok((HeaderName::from_str(key).unwrap(), value))
fn parse_http_credentials(arg: &str) -> Result<HeaderValue, io::Error> {
let encoded = base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD.encode(arg.trim().as_bytes());
let Ok(header) = HeaderValue::from_str(&format!("Basic {}", encoded)) else {
return Err(io::Error::new(
format!("cannot parse http credentials {}", arg),
fn parse_server_url(arg: &str) -> Result<Url, io::Error> {
let Ok(url) = Url::parse(arg) else {
return Err(io::Error::new(
format!("cannot parse server url {}", arg),
if !TransportScheme::values().iter().any(|x| x.to_str() == url.scheme()) {
return Err(io::Error::new(
format!("invalid scheme {}", url.scheme()),
if {
return Err(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidInput, format!("invalid server host {}", arg)));
/// Find a leaf certificate in a vector of certificates. It is assumed only a single leaf certificate
/// is present in the vector. The other certificates should be (intermediate) CA certificates.
fn find_leaf_certificate(tls_certificates: &Vec<Certificate>) -> Option<X509Certificate> {
for tls_certificate in tls_certificates {
if let Ok((_, tls_certificate_x509)) = parse_x509_certificate(&tls_certificate.0) {
if !tls_certificate_x509.is_ca() {
return Some(tls_certificate_x509);
/// Returns the common name (CN) as specified in the supplied certificate.
fn cn_from_certificate(tls_certificate_x509: &X509Certificate) -> Option<String> {
.flat_map(|cn| cn.as_str().ok())
.map(|cn| cn.to_string())
pub struct TlsClientConfig {
pub tls_sni_disabled: bool,
pub tls_sni_override: Option<DnsName>,
pub tls_verify_certificate: bool,
tls_connector: Arc<RwLock<TlsConnector>>,
pub tls_certificate_path: Option<PathBuf>,
pub tls_key_path: Option<PathBuf>,
impl TlsClientConfig {
pub fn tls_connector(&self) -> TlsConnector {
pub struct TlsServerConfig {
pub tls_certificate: Mutex<Vec<Certificate>>,
pub tls_key: Mutex<PrivateKey>,
pub tls_client_ca_certificates: Option<Mutex<Vec<Certificate>>>,
pub tls_certificate_path: Option<PathBuf>,
pub tls_key_path: Option<PathBuf>,
pub tls_client_ca_certs_path: Option<PathBuf>,
pub struct WsServerConfig {
pub socket_so_mark: Option<u32>,
pub bind: SocketAddr,
pub websocket_ping_frequency: Option<Duration>,
pub timeout_connect: Duration,
pub websocket_mask_frame: bool,
pub tls: Option<TlsServerConfig>,
pub dns_resolver: DnsResolver,
pub restriction_config: Option<PathBuf>,
impl Debug for WsServerConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("socket_so_mark", &self.socket_so_mark)
.field("bind", &self.bind)
.field("websocket_ping_frequency", &self.websocket_ping_frequency)
.field("timeout_connect", &self.timeout_connect)
.field("websocket_mask_frame", &self.websocket_mask_frame)
.field("restriction_config", &self.restriction_config)
.field("tls", &self.tls.is_some())
.map(|x| x.tls_client_ca_certificates.is_some())
pub struct WsClientConfig {
pub remote_addr: TransportAddr,
pub socket_so_mark: Option<u32>,
pub http_upgrade_path_prefix: String,
pub http_upgrade_credentials: Option<HeaderValue>,
pub http_headers: HashMap<HeaderName, HeaderValue>,
pub http_headers_file: Option<PathBuf>,
pub http_header_host: HeaderValue,
pub timeout_connect: Duration,
pub websocket_ping_frequency: Duration,
pub websocket_mask_frame: bool,
pub http_proxy: Option<Url>,
cnx_pool: Option<bb8::Pool<WsClientConfig>>,
tls_reloader: Option<Arc<TlsReloader>>,
pub dns_resolver: DnsResolver,
impl WsClientConfig {
pub fn websocket_scheme(&self) -> &'static str {
match self.remote_addr.tls().is_some() {
false => "ws",
true => "wss",
pub fn cnx_pool(&self) -> &bb8::Pool<WsClientConfig> {
pub fn websocket_host_url(&self) -> String {
format!("{}:{}",, self.remote_addr.port())
pub fn tls_server_name(&self) -> ServerName {
static INVALID_DNS_NAME: Lazy<DnsName> =
Lazy::new(|| DnsName::try_from_ascii(b"").unwrap());
match self.remote_addr.tls().and_then(|tls| tls.tls_sni_override.as_ref()) {
None => match & {
Host::Domain(domain) => {
ServerName::DnsName(DnsName::try_from(domain.clone()).unwrap_or_else(|_| INVALID_DNS_NAME.clone()))
Host::Ipv4(ip) => ServerName::IpAddress(IpAddr::V4(*ip)),
Host::Ipv6(ip) => ServerName::IpAddress(IpAddr::V6(*ip)),
Some(sni_override) => ServerName::DnsName(sni_override.clone()),
async fn main() {
let args = Wstunnel::parse();
// Setup logging
match &args.commands {
// Disable logging if there is a stdio tunnel
if args
.filter(|x| x.local_protocol == LocalProtocol::Stdio)
> 0 => {}
_ => {
let mut env_filter = EnvFilter::builder().parse(&args.log_lvl).expect("Invalid log level");
if !(args.log_lvl.contains("h2::") || args.log_lvl.contains("h2=")) {
env_filter =
env_filter.add_directive(Directive::from_str("h2::codec=off").expect("Invalid log directive"));
match args.commands {
Commands::Client(args) => {
let (tls_certificate, tls_key) = if let (Some(cert), Some(key)) =
(args.tls_certificate.as_ref(), args.tls_private_key.as_ref())
let tls_certificate =
tls::load_certificates_from_pem(cert).expect("Cannot load client TLS certificate (mTLS)");
let tls_key = tls::load_private_key_from_file(key).expect("Cannot load client TLS private key (mTLS)");
(Some(tls_certificate), Some(tls_key))
} else {
(None, None)
let http_upgrade_path_prefix = if args.http_upgrade_path_prefix.eq(DEFAULT_CLIENT_UPGRADE_PATH_PREFIX) {
// When using mTLS and no manual http upgrade path is specified configure the HTTP upgrade path
// to be the common name (CN) of the client's certificate.
.and_then(|tls_certs| find_leaf_certificate(tls_certs))
.and_then(|leaf_cert| cn_from_certificate(&leaf_cert))
} else {
println!("{}", http_upgrade_path_prefix);
let transport_scheme =
TransportScheme::from_str(args.remote_addr.scheme()).expect("invalid scheme in server url");
let tls = match transport_scheme {
TransportScheme::Ws | TransportScheme::Http => None,
TransportScheme::Wss => Some(TlsClientConfig {
tls_connector: Arc::new(RwLock::new(
.expect("Cannot create tls connector"),
tls_sni_override: args.tls_sni_override,
tls_verify_certificate: args.tls_verify_certificate,
tls_sni_disabled: args.tls_sni_disable,
tls_certificate_path: args.tls_certificate.clone(),
tls_key_path: args.tls_private_key.clone(),
TransportScheme::Https => Some(TlsClientConfig {
tls_connector: Arc::new(RwLock::new(
.expect("Cannot create tls connector"),
tls_sni_override: args.tls_sni_override,
tls_verify_certificate: args.tls_verify_certificate,
tls_sni_disabled: args.tls_sni_disable,
tls_certificate_path: args.tls_certificate.clone(),
tls_key_path: args.tls_private_key.clone(),
// Extract host header from http_headers
let host_header = if let Some((_, host_val)) = args.http_headers.iter().find(|(h, _)| *h == HOST) {
} else {
let host = match args.remote_addr.port_or_known_default() {
None | Some(80) | Some(443) =>,
Some(port) => format!("{}:{}",, port),
if let Some(path) = &args.http_headers_file {
if !path.exists() {
panic!("http headers file does not exists: {}", path.display());
let mut client_config = WsClientConfig {
remote_addr: TransportAddr::new(
socket_so_mark: args.socket_so_mark,
http_upgrade_credentials: args.http_upgrade_credentials,
http_headers: args.http_headers.into_iter().filter(|(k, _)| k != HOST).collect(),
http_headers_file: args.http_headers_file,
http_header_host: host_header,
timeout_connect: Duration::from_secs(10),
websocket_ping_frequency: args.websocket_ping_frequency_sec.unwrap_or(Duration::from_secs(30)),
websocket_mask_frame: args.websocket_mask_frame,
http_proxy: if let Some(proxy) = args.http_proxy {
let mut proxy = if proxy.starts_with("http://") {
Url::parse(&proxy).expect("Invalid http proxy url")
} else {
Url::parse(&format!("http://{}", proxy)).expect("Invalid http proxy url")
if let Some(login) = args.http_proxy_login {
proxy.set_username(login.as_str()).expect("Cannot set http proxy login");
if let Some(password) = args.http_proxy_password {
.expect("Cannot set http proxy password");
} else {
cnx_pool: None,
tls_reloader: None,
dns_resolver: if let Ok(resolver) = hickory_resolver::AsyncResolver::tokio_from_system_conf() {
} else {
debug!("Fall-backing to system dns resolver");
let tls_reloader =
TlsReloader::new_for_client(Arc::new(client_config.clone())).expect("Cannot create tls reloader");
client_config.tls_reloader = Some(Arc::new(tls_reloader));
let pool = bb8::Pool::builder()
client_config.cnx_pool = Some(pool);
let client_config = Arc::new(client_config);
// Start tunnels
for tunnel in args.remote_to_local.into_iter() {
let client_config = client_config.clone();
match &tunnel.local_protocol {
LocalProtocol::Tcp { proxy_protocol: _ } => {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let remote = tunnel.remote.clone();
let cfg = client_config.clone();
let connect_to_dest = |_| async {
let (host, port) = to_host_port(tunnel.local);
let remote = RemoteAddr {
protocol: LocalProtocol::ReverseTcp,
if let Err(err) =
tunnel::client::run_reverse_tunnel(client_config, remote, connect_to_dest).await
error!("{:?}", err);
LocalProtocol::Udp { timeout } => {
let timeout = *timeout;
tokio::spawn(async move {
let cfg = client_config.clone();
let (host, port) = to_host_port(tunnel.local);
let remote = RemoteAddr {
protocol: LocalProtocol::ReverseUdp { timeout },
let connect_to_dest = |_| async {
udp::connect(&tunnel.remote.0, tunnel.remote.1, cfg.timeout_connect, &cfg.dns_resolver)
if let Err(err) =
tunnel::client::run_reverse_tunnel(client_config, remote, connect_to_dest).await
error!("{:?}", err);
LocalProtocol::Socks5 { .. } => {
trait T: AsyncWrite + AsyncRead + Unpin + Send {}
impl T for TcpStream {}
impl T for MyUdpSocket {}
tokio::spawn(async move {
let cfg = client_config.clone();
let (host, port) = to_host_port(tunnel.local);
let remote = RemoteAddr {
protocol: LocalProtocol::ReverseSocks5,
let connect_to_dest = |remote: Option<RemoteAddr>| {
let so_mark = cfg.socket_so_mark;
let timeout = cfg.timeout_connect;
let dns_resolver = &cfg.dns_resolver;
async move {
let Some(remote) = remote else {
return Err(anyhow!("Missing remote destination for reverse socks5"));
match remote.protocol {
LocalProtocol::Tcp { proxy_protocol: _ } => {
tcp::connect(&, remote.port, so_mark, timeout, dns_resolver)
.map(|s| Box::new(s) as Box<dyn T>)
LocalProtocol::Udp { .. } => {
udp::connect(&, remote.port, timeout, dns_resolver)
.map(|s| Box::new(s) as Box<dyn T>)
_ => Err(anyhow!("Invalid protocol for reverse socks5 {:?}", remote.protocol)),
if let Err(err) =
tunnel::client::run_reverse_tunnel(client_config, remote, connect_to_dest).await
error!("{:?}", err);
LocalProtocol::Unix { path } => {
let path = path.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let remote = tunnel.remote.clone();
let cfg = client_config.clone();
let connect_to_dest = |_| async {
let (host, port) = to_host_port(tunnel.local);
let remote = RemoteAddr {
protocol: LocalProtocol::ReverseUnix { path: path.clone() },
if let Err(err) =
tunnel::client::run_reverse_tunnel(client_config, remote, connect_to_dest).await
error!("{:?}", err);
LocalProtocol::Unix { path } => {
panic!("Unix socket is not available for non Unix platform")
| LocalProtocol::TProxyTcp
| LocalProtocol::TProxyUdp { .. }
| LocalProtocol::ReverseTcp
| LocalProtocol::ReverseUdp { .. }
| LocalProtocol::ReverseSocks5
| LocalProtocol::ReverseUnix { .. } => {
panic!("Invalid protocol for reverse tunnel");
for tunnel in args.local_to_remote.into_iter() {
let client_config = client_config.clone();
match &tunnel.local_protocol {
LocalProtocol::Tcp { proxy_protocol } => {
let proxy_protocol = *proxy_protocol;
let remote = tunnel.remote.clone();
let server = tcp::run_server(tunnel.local, false)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Cannot start TCP server on {}: {}", tunnel.local, err))
.map_ok(move |stream| {
let remote = RemoteAddr {
protocol: LocalProtocol::Tcp { proxy_protocol },
host: remote.0.clone(),
port: remote.1,
(stream.into_split(), remote)
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = tunnel::client::run_tunnel(client_config, server).await {
error!("{:?}", err);
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
LocalProtocol::TProxyTcp => {
let server = tcp::run_server(tunnel.local, true)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Cannot start TProxy TCP server on {}: {}", tunnel.local, err))
.map_ok(move |stream| {
// In TProxy mode local destination is the final ip:port destination
let (host, port) = to_host_port(stream.local_addr().unwrap());
let remote = RemoteAddr {
protocol: LocalProtocol::Tcp { proxy_protocol: false },
(stream.into_split(), remote)
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = tunnel::client::run_tunnel(client_config, server).await {
error!("{:?}", err);
LocalProtocol::Unix { path } => {
let remote = tunnel.remote.clone();
let server = unix_socket::run_server(path)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
panic!("Cannot start Unix domain server on {}: {}", tunnel.local, err)
.map_ok(move |stream| {
let remote = RemoteAddr {
protocol: LocalProtocol::Tcp { proxy_protocol: false },
host: remote.0.clone(),
port: remote.1,
(stream.into_split(), remote)
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = tunnel::client::run_tunnel(client_config, server).await {
error!("{:?}", err);
LocalProtocol::Unix { .. } => {
panic!("Unix socket is not available for non Unix platform")
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
LocalProtocol::TProxyUdp { timeout } => {
let timeout = *timeout;
let server =
udp::run_server(tunnel.local, timeout, udp::configure_tproxy, udp::mk_send_socket_tproxy)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
panic!("Cannot start TProxy UDP server on {}: {}", tunnel.local, err)
.map_ok(move |stream| {
// In TProxy mode local destination is the final ip:port destination
let (host, port) = to_host_port(stream.local_addr().unwrap());
let remote = RemoteAddr {
protocol: LocalProtocol::Udp { timeout },
(tokio::io::split(stream), remote)
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = tunnel::client::run_tunnel(client_config, server).await {
error!("{:?}", err);
#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
LocalProtocol::TProxyTcp | LocalProtocol::TProxyUdp { .. } => {
panic!("Transparent proxy is not available for non Linux platform")
LocalProtocol::Udp { timeout } => {
let (host, port) = tunnel.remote.clone();
let timeout = *timeout;
let server = udp::run_server(tunnel.local, timeout, |_| Ok(()), |s| Ok(s.clone()))
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Cannot start UDP server on {}: {}", tunnel.local, err))
.map_ok(move |stream| {
let remote = RemoteAddr {
protocol: LocalProtocol::Udp { timeout },
host: host.clone(),
(tokio::io::split(stream), remote)
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = tunnel::client::run_tunnel(client_config, server).await {
error!("{:?}", err);
LocalProtocol::Socks5 { timeout } => {
let server = socks5::run_server(tunnel.local, *timeout)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Cannot start Socks5 server on {}: {}", tunnel.local, err))
.map_ok(|(stream, (host, port))| {
let remote = RemoteAddr {
protocol: stream.local_protocol(),
(tokio::io::split(stream), remote)
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = tunnel::client::run_tunnel(client_config, server).await {
error!("{:?}", err);
LocalProtocol::Stdio => {
let server = stdio::server::run_server().await.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
panic!("Cannot start STDIO server: {}", err);
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = tunnel::client::run_tunnel(
stream::once(async move {
let remote = RemoteAddr {
protocol: LocalProtocol::Tcp { proxy_protocol: false },
host: tunnel.remote.0,
port: tunnel.remote.1,
Ok((server, remote))
error!("{:?}", err);
LocalProtocol::ReverseTcp => {}
LocalProtocol::ReverseUdp { .. } => {}
LocalProtocol::ReverseSocks5 => {}
LocalProtocol::ReverseUnix { .. } => {}
Commands::Server(args) => {
let tls_config = if args.remote_addr.scheme() == "wss" {
let tls_certificate = if let Some(cert_path) = &args.tls_certificate {
tls::load_certificates_from_pem(cert_path).expect("Cannot load tls certificate")
} else {
let tls_key = if let Some(key_path) = &args.tls_private_key {
tls::load_private_key_from_file(key_path).expect("Cannot load tls private key")
} else {
let tls_client_ca_certificates = args.tls_client_ca_certs.as_ref().map(|tls_client_ca| {
.expect("Cannot load client CA certificate (mTLS)"),
Some(TlsServerConfig {
tls_certificate: Mutex::new(tls_certificate),
tls_key: Mutex::new(tls_key),
tls_certificate_path: args.tls_certificate,
tls_key_path: args.tls_private_key,
tls_client_ca_certs_path: args.tls_client_ca_certs,
} else {
let dns_resolver = match args.dns_resolver {
None => {
if let Ok(resolver) = hickory_resolver::AsyncResolver::tokio_from_system_conf() {
} else {
warn!("Fall-backing to system dns resolver. You should consider specifying a dns resolver. To avoid performance issue");
Some(resolvers) => {
if resolvers.iter().any(|r| r.scheme() == "system") {
} else {
let mut cfg = ResolverConfig::new();
for resolver in resolvers {
let (protocol, port) = match resolver.scheme() {
"dns" => (hickory_resolver::config::Protocol::Udp, resolver.port().unwrap_or(53)),
"dns+https" => {
(hickory_resolver::config::Protocol::Https, resolver.port().unwrap_or(443))
"dns+tls" => (hickory_resolver::config::Protocol::Tls, resolver.port().unwrap_or(853)),
_ => panic!("invalid protocol for dns resolver"),
let sock = match {
Host::Domain(host) => match Host::parse(host) {
Ok(Host::Ipv4(ip)) => SocketAddr::V4(SocketAddrV4::new(ip, port)),
Ok(Host::Ipv6(ip)) => SocketAddr::V6(SocketAddrV6::new(ip, port, 0, 0)),
Ok(Host::Domain(_)) | Err(_) => {
panic!("Dns resolver must be an ip address, got {}", host)
Host::Ipv4(ip) => SocketAddr::V4(SocketAddrV4::new(ip, port)),
Host::Ipv6(ip) => SocketAddr::V6(SocketAddrV6::new(ip, port, 0, 0)),
cfg.add_name_server(NameServerConfig::new(sock, protocol))
let opts = ResolverOpts::default();
DnsResolver::TrustDns(hickory_resolver::AsyncResolver::tokio(cfg, opts))
let restrictions = if let Some(path) = &args.restrict_config {
RestrictionsRules::from_config_file(path).expect("Cannot parse restriction file")
} else {
let restrict_to: Vec<(String, u16)> = args
.map(|x| {
let (host, port) = x.rsplit_once(':').expect("Invalid restrict-to format");
host.trim_matches(&['[', ']']).to_string(),
port.parse::<u16>().expect("Invalid restrict-to port format"),
let restriction_cfg = RestrictionsRules::from_path_prefix(
.expect("Cannot convert restriction rules from path-prefix and restric-to");
let server_config = WsServerConfig {
socket_so_mark: args.socket_so_mark,
bind: args.remote_addr.socket_addrs(|| Some(8080)).unwrap()[0],
websocket_ping_frequency: args.websocket_ping_frequency_sec,
timeout_connect: Duration::from_secs(10),
websocket_mask_frame: args.websocket_mask_frame,
tls: tls_config,
restriction_config: args.restrict_config,
"Starting wstunnel server v{} with config {:?}",
debug!("Restriction rules: {:#?}", restrictions);
tunnel::server::run_server(Arc::new(server_config), restrictions)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
panic!("Cannot start wstunnel server: {:?}", err);