+ This commit 8e38589efb (diff-8c54fc2d40ad45803c6889efbb0192bbR278)
introduce a default fixed size read buffer which is too low for most modern system. Thus it induce a lot of unecessary syscall and cpu usage.
Use the default OS settings in order to let the user control it with
ie: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem
Former-commit-id: 11329e7b2d39a571afcfa1c41b36ca43b8c6ee0c
Former-commit-id: d125be3860d756e8608707db387b9293005d02f8 [formerly cc16d8a3c00a1f2ae215b44b94356f0fd9b06abc] [formerly a4977ba6a35eb7805b01eb9b628786e22842f480 [formerly fd3d401b93d75acf5a20d37598cf115d234b47ad [formerly fd3d401b93d75acf5a20d37598cf115d234b47ad [formerly fd3d401b93d75acf5a20d37598cf115d234b47ad [formerly bec6f99d38ff1e9c53a0a7d71ae6051280508d2e]]]]]
Former-commit-id: 18d8b263236b960c37a41e63491bc287bf584a67 [formerly 9d2ab35501de57b0ba1ee8d18f1fb173a3ca98f6]
Former-commit-id: 00bdbc5e1cd318896a012b76dfdc68964434b43d
Former-commit-id: 86df02c0670359a2bb2429eae4b9b633f5d520ef
Former-commit-id: 59966a7acefbbdc76e580d281f8be7ee2ca1db03
Former-commit-id: d670c023b29c085d4e76809ec539fcd91d6be993 [formerly 2bfa1100e83fd689dd2e2c565fe0838036c1b588]
Former-commit-id: c7c40b2a4e933cbff27713a87d7cc701c1279d32
134 lines
6 KiB
134 lines
6 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Protocols where
import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import System.IO hiding (hSetBuffering, hGetBuffering)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.Streaming.Network as N
import Network.Socket (HostName, PortNumber)
import qualified Network.Socket as N hiding (recv, recvFrom, send,
import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as N
import Data.Binary (decode, encode)
import Logger
import qualified Socks5
import Types
runSTDIOServer :: (StdioAppData -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runSTDIOServer app = do
stdin_old_buffering <- hGetBuffering stdin
stdout_old_buffering <- hGetBuffering stdout
hSetBuffering stdin (BlockBuffering (Just 512))
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
void $ forever $ app StdioAppData
hSetBuffering stdin stdin_old_buffering
hSetBuffering stdout stdout_old_buffering
info $ "CLOSE stdio server"
runTCPServer :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> (N.AppData -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runTCPServer endPoint@(host, port) app = do
info $ "WAIT for tcp connection on " <> toStr endPoint
let srvSet = N.setReadBufferSize defaultRecvBufferSize $ N.serverSettingsTCP (fromIntegral port) (fromString host)
void $ N.runTCPServer srvSet app
info $ "CLOSE tcp server on " <> toStr endPoint
runTCPClient :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> (N.AppData -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runTCPClient endPoint@(host, port) app = do
info $ "CONNECTING to " <> toStr endPoint
let srvSet = N.setReadBufferSize defaultRecvBufferSize $ N.clientSettingsTCP (fromIntegral port) (BC.pack host)
void $ N.runTCPClient srvSet app
info $ "CLOSE connection to " <> toStr endPoint
runUDPClient :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> (UdpAppData -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runUDPClient endPoint@(host, port) app = do
info $ "SENDING datagrammes to " <> toStr endPoint
bracket (N.getSocketUDP host (fromIntegral port)) (N.close . fst) $ \(socket, addrInfo) -> do
sem <- newEmptyMVar
app UdpAppData { appAddr = N.addrAddress addrInfo
, appSem = sem
, appRead = fst <$> N.recvFrom socket 4096
, appWrite = \payload -> void $ N.sendAllTo socket payload (N.addrAddress addrInfo)
info $ "CLOSE udp connection to " <> toStr endPoint
runUDPServer :: (HostName, PortNumber) -> Int -> (UdpAppData -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runUDPServer endPoint@(host, port) cnxTimeout app = do
info $ "WAIT for datagrames on " <> toStr endPoint
clientsCtx <- newIORef mempty
void $ bracket (N.bindPortUDP (fromIntegral port) (fromString host)) N.close (runEventLoop clientsCtx)
info $ "CLOSE udp server" <> toStr endPoint
addNewClient :: IORef (H.HashMap N.SockAddr UdpAppData) -> N.Socket -> N.SockAddr -> ByteString -> IO UdpAppData
addNewClient clientsCtx socket addr payload = do
sem <- newMVar payload
let appData = UdpAppData { appAddr = addr
, appSem = sem
, appRead = takeMVar sem
, appWrite = \payload' -> void $ N.sendAllTo socket payload' addr
void $ atomicModifyIORef' clientsCtx (\clients -> (H.insert addr appData clients, ()))
return appData
removeClient :: IORef (H.HashMap N.SockAddr UdpAppData) -> UdpAppData -> IO ()
removeClient clientsCtx clientCtx = do
void $ atomicModifyIORef' clientsCtx (\clients -> (H.delete (appAddr clientCtx) clients, ()))
debug "TIMEOUT connection"
pushDataToClient :: UdpAppData -> ByteString -> IO ()
pushDataToClient clientCtx payload = putMVar (appSem clientCtx) payload
`catch` (\(_ :: SomeException) -> debug $ "DROP udp packet, client thread dead")
-- If we are unlucky the client's thread died before we had the time to push the data on a already full mutex
-- and will leave us waiting forever for the mutex to empty. So catch the exeception and drop the message.
-- Udp is not a reliable protocol so transmission failure should be handled by the application layer
runEventLoop :: IORef (H.HashMap N.SockAddr UdpAppData) -> N.Socket -> IO ()
runEventLoop clientsCtx socket = forever $ do
(payload, addr) <- N.recvFrom socket 4096
clientCtx <- H.lookup addr <$> readIORef clientsCtx
case clientCtx of
Just clientCtx' -> pushDataToClient clientCtx' payload
_ -> void . forkIO $ bracket
(addNewClient clientsCtx socket addr payload)
(removeClient clientsCtx)
(void . timeout cnxTimeout . app)
runSocks5Server :: Socks5.ServerSettings -> TunnelSettings -> (TunnelSettings -> N.AppData -> IO()) -> IO ()
runSocks5Server socksSettings@Socks5.ServerSettings{..} cfg inner = do
info $ "Starting socks5 proxy " <> show socksSettings
N.runTCPServer (N.serverSettingsTCP (fromIntegral listenOn) (fromString bindOn)) $ \cnx -> do
-- Get the auth request and response with a no Auth
authRequest <- decode . fromStrict <$> N.appRead cnx :: IO Socks5.ResponseAuth
debug $ "Socks5 authentification request " <> show authRequest
let responseAuth = encode $ Socks5.ResponseAuth (fromIntegral Socks5.socksVersion) Socks5.NoAuth
N.appWrite cnx (toStrict responseAuth)
-- Get the request and update dynamically the tunnel config
request <- decode . fromStrict <$> N.appRead cnx :: IO Socks5.Request
debug $ "Socks5 forward request " <> show request
let responseRequest = encode $ Socks5.Response (fromIntegral Socks5.socksVersion) Socks5.SUCCEEDED (Socks5.addr request) (Socks5.port request)
let cfg' = cfg { destHost = Socks5.addr request, destPort = Socks5.port request }
N.appWrite cnx (toStrict responseRequest)
inner cfg' cnx
info $ "Closing socks5 proxy " <> show socksSettings