Romain GÉRARD 95a30e712d Allow udp timeout to be specified by the command line
Former-commit-id: 5ba73def38dc116dfc887c25293f8d1dddcd7d0f
Former-commit-id: 09f35f66523a05d69c3d1f864577cc0d6e3489e0 [formerly 965739217f9a07297608dc0b1380b17fa44cd850] [formerly 155253d91655a690b04e5a5801e730af02969673 [formerly 013ca92ae8219e8406cb590ee377fbeaf05c9034 [formerly 013ca92ae8219e8406cb590ee377fbeaf05c9034 [formerly 013ca92ae8219e8406cb590ee377fbeaf05c9034 [formerly c349bdfd8cfd7ff3db5aba7a2c86a16ce8bc13bd]]]]]
Former-commit-id: dc66326fecbfad906e3aadd919c3088bbb724c8c [formerly 8707222b86f066548e3294c402b0225c7db8873a]
Former-commit-id: 4e6f916b34f9f674a90e5b372fe8ebaae7befa8f
Former-commit-id: 95c3ae306b73baa7c6feaacc9c24a6dce4cee15b
Former-commit-id: 2aeca4033fa6611c876e6f64f73adbe7d4ae2a89
Former-commit-id: 28c045517c23a9250fcddad4925a0580201b2700 [formerly 8928f8ea077e8610fc6602ef3a9a356940562f64]
Former-commit-id: 7aaa22e3b15b4c896039036b4178703c320d0028
2019-01-13 17:47:18 +01:00

183 lines
9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-}
module Main where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (getArgs, head)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.List (head, (!!))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import System.Environment (getArgs, withArgs)
import qualified Logger
import Tunnel
import Types
data WsTunnel = WsTunnel
{ localToRemote :: String
-- , remoteToLocal :: String
, dynamicToRemote :: String
, wsTunnelServer :: String
, udpMode :: Bool
, udpTimeout :: Int
, proxy :: String
, serverMode :: Bool
, restrictTo :: String
, verbose :: Bool
, quiet :: Bool
, pathPrefix :: String
} deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
data WsServerInfo = WsServerInfo
{ useTls :: !Bool
, host :: !String
, port :: !Int
} deriving (Show)
data TunnelInfo = TunnelInfo
{ localHost :: !String
, localPort :: !Int
, remoteHost :: !String
, remotePort :: !Int
} deriving (Show)
cmdLine :: WsTunnel
cmdLine = WsTunnel
{ localToRemote = def &= explicit &= name "L" &= name "localToRemote" &= typ "[BIND:]PORT:HOST:PORT"
&= help "Listen on local and forwards traffic from remote" &= groupname "Client options"
-- , remoteToLocal = def &= explicit &= name "R" &= name "RemoteToLocal" &= typ "[BIND:]PORT:HOST:PORT"
-- &= help "Listen on remote and forward traffic from local"
, dynamicToRemote= def &= explicit &= name "D" &= name "dynamicToRemote" &= typ "[BIND:]PORT"
&= help "Listen on local and dynamically (with socks5 proxy) forwards traffic from remote" &= groupname "Client options"
, udpMode = def &= explicit &= name "u" &= name "udp" &= help "forward UDP traffic instead of TCP" &= groupname "Client options"
, udpTimeout = def &= explicit &= name "udpTimeoutSec" &= help "When using udp forwarding, timeout in seconds after when the tunnel connection is closed. Default 30sec, -1 means no timeout" &= groupname "Client options"
, pathPrefix = def &= explicit &= name "upgradePathPrefix"
&= help "Use a specific prefix that will show up in the http path in the upgrade request. Useful if you need to route requests server side but don't have vhosts"
&= typ "String" &= groupname "Client options"
, proxy = def &= explicit &= name "p" &= name "httpProxy"
&= help "If set, will use this proxy to connect to the server" &= typ "USER:PASS@HOST:PORT"
, wsTunnelServer = def &= argPos 0 &= typ "ws[s]://wstunnelServer[:port]"
, serverMode = def &= explicit &= name "server"
&= help "Start a server that will forward traffic for you" &= groupname "Server options"
, restrictTo = def &= explicit &= name "r" &= name "restrictTo"
&= help "Accept traffic to be forwarded only to this service" &= typ "HOST:PORT"
, verbose = def &= groupname "Common options" &= help "Print debug information"
, quiet = def &= help "Print only errors"
} &= summary ( "Use the websockets protocol to tunnel {TCP,UDP} traffic\n"
++ "wsTunnelClient <---> wsTunnelServer <---> RemoteHost\n"
++ "Use secure connection (wss://) to bypass proxies"
&= helpArg [explicit, name "help", name "h"]
toPort :: String -> Int
toPort "stdio" = 0
toPort str = case readMay str of
Just por -> por
Nothing -> error $ "Invalid port number `" ++ str ++ "`"
parseServerInfo :: WsServerInfo -> String -> WsServerInfo
parseServerInfo server [] = server
parseServerInfo server ('w':'s':':':'/':'/':xs) = parseServerInfo (server {Main.useTls = False, Main.port = 80}) xs
parseServerInfo server ('w':'s':'s':':':'/':'/':xs) = parseServerInfo (server {Main.useTls = True, Main.port = 443}) xs
parseServerInfo server (':':prt) = server {Main.port = toPort prt}
parseServerInfo server hostPath = parseServerInfo (server { = takeWhile (/= ':') hostPath}) (dropWhile (/= ':') hostPath)
parseTunnelInfo :: String -> TunnelInfo
parseTunnelInfo str = mk $ BC.unpack <$> BC.split ':' (BC.pack str)
mk [lPort, host, rPort] = TunnelInfo {localHost = "", Main.localPort = toPort lPort, remoteHost = host, remotePort = toPort rPort}
mk [bind,lPort, host,rPort] = TunnelInfo {localHost = bind, Main.localPort = toPort lPort, remoteHost = host, remotePort = toPort rPort}
mk _ = error $ "Invalid tunneling information `" ++ str ++ "`, please use format [BIND:]PORT:HOST:PORT"
parseRestrictTo :: String -> ((ByteString, Int) -> Bool)
parseRestrictTo "" = const True
parseRestrictTo str = let (!h, !p) = fromMaybe (error "Invalid Parameter restart") parse
in (\(!hst, !port) -> hst == h && port == p)
parse = do
let ret = BC.unpack <$> BC.split ':' (BC.pack str)
guard (length ret == 2)
portNumber <- readMay $ ret !! 1 :: Maybe Int
return (BC.pack (head ret), portNumber)
parseProxyInfo :: String -> Maybe ProxySettings
parseProxyInfo str = do
let ret = BC.split ':' (BC.pack str)
guard (length ret >= 2)
if length ret == 3
then do
portNumber <- readMay $ BC.unpack $ ret !! 2 :: Maybe Int
let cred = (head ret, head (BC.split '@' (ret !! 1)))
let h = BC.split '@' (ret !! 1) !! 1
return $ ProxySettings (BC.unpack h) (fromIntegral portNumber) (Just cred)
else if length ret == 2
then do
portNumber <- readMay . BC.unpack $ ret !! 1 :: Maybe Int
return $ ProxySettings (BC.unpack $ head ret) (fromIntegral portNumber) Nothing
else Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
cfg' <- if null args then withArgs ["--help"] (cmdArgs cmdLine) else cmdArgs cmdLine
let cfg = cfg' { pathPrefix = if pathPrefix cfg' == mempty then "wstunnel" else pathPrefix cfg'
, Main.udpTimeout = if Main.udpTimeout cfg' == 0 then 30 * 10^(6 :: Int)
else if Main.udpTimeout cfg' == -1 then -1
else Main.udpTimeout cfg' * 10^(6:: Int)
let serverInfo = parseServerInfo (WsServerInfo False "" 0) (wsTunnelServer cfg)
Logger.init (if quiet cfg then Logger.QUIET
else if verbose cfg
then Logger.VERBOSE
else Logger.NORMAL)
if serverMode cfg
then putStrLn ("Starting server with opts " <> tshow serverInfo )
>> runServer (Main.useTls serverInfo) ( serverInfo, fromIntegral $ Main.port serverInfo) (parseRestrictTo $ restrictTo cfg)
else if not $ null (localToRemote cfg)
then let (TunnelInfo lHost lPort rHost rPort) = parseTunnelInfo (localToRemote cfg)
in runClient TunnelSettings { localBind = lHost
, Types.localPort = fromIntegral lPort
, serverHost = serverInfo
, serverPort = fromIntegral $ Main.port serverInfo
, destHost = rHost
, destPort = fromIntegral rPort
, Types.useTls = Main.useTls serverInfo
, protocol = if lPort == 0 then STDIO else if udpMode cfg then UDP else TCP
, proxySetting = parseProxyInfo (proxy cfg)
, useSocks = False
, upgradePrefix = pathPrefix cfg
, udpTimeout = Main.udpTimeout cfg
else if not $ null (dynamicToRemote cfg)
then let (TunnelInfo lHost lPort _ _) = parseTunnelInfo $ (dynamicToRemote cfg) ++ ":"
in runClient TunnelSettings { localBind = lHost
, Types.localPort = fromIntegral lPort
, serverHost = serverInfo
, serverPort = fromIntegral $ Main.port serverInfo
, destHost = ""
, destPort = 0
, Types.useTls = Main.useTls serverInfo
, protocol = SOCKS5
, proxySetting = parseProxyInfo (proxy cfg)
, useSocks = True
, upgradePrefix = pathPrefix cfg
, udpTimeout = Main.udpTimeout cfg
else return ()
putStrLn "Goodbye !"
return ()