Erèbe cde2afd264 Use default-extensions in cabal
Former-commit-id: bc12a795326740f2f7504c77e6efdd4a633d6a8e
Former-commit-id: 206c1715e5164d8485423905848e545eecb2a220 [formerly 5ef346e51622358e3e9d4c6e94e348758fac361f [formerly 5ef346e51622358e3e9d4c6e94e348758fac361f [formerly 5ef346e51622358e3e9d4c6e94e348758fac361f [formerly 3d9f6a38a164185f31d5610b045744b79190087b]]]]
Former-commit-id: 73593f34778fd5c5be7436189d48b72fc8699a0e
Former-commit-id: b82bb6c8a4286f6c8b37331cecdd3de699771e90
Former-commit-id: fa5ef7ed8fb050a4fb24f18a5101faa10b72e4a2
Former-commit-id: 11138952c09bf43fccc5dc2dc8625c83b4d3dbdb [formerly 382271cf86238cf125c05867c60c53fef176955a]
Former-commit-id: e452e246198248849d76ee37f0e20a6ce507a855
2016-10-09 20:54:08 +02:00

167 lines
7.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-}
module Main where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (getArgs, head)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.List (head, (!!))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import System.Environment (getArgs, withArgs)
import qualified Logger
import Tunnel
import Types
data WsTunnel = WsTunnel
{ localToRemote :: String
-- , remoteToLocal :: String
, dynamicToRemote :: String
, wsTunnelServer :: String
, udpMode :: Bool
, proxy :: String
, serverMode :: Bool
, restrictTo :: String
, verbose :: Bool
, quiet :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
data WsServerInfo = WsServerInfo
{ useTls :: !Bool
, host :: !String
, port :: !Int
} deriving (Show)
data TunnelInfo = TunnelInfo
{ localHost :: !String
, localPort :: !Int
, remoteHost :: !String
, remotePort :: !Int
} deriving (Show)
cmdLine :: WsTunnel
cmdLine = WsTunnel
{ localToRemote = def &= explicit &= name "L" &= name "localToRemote" &= typ "[BIND:]PORT:HOST:PORT"
&= help "Listen on local and forwards traffic from remote" &= groupname "Client options"
-- , remoteToLocal = def &= explicit &= name "R" &= name "RemoteToLocal" &= typ "[BIND:]PORT:HOST:PORT"
-- &= help "Listen on remote and forward traffic from local"
, dynamicToRemote= def &= explicit &= name "D" &= name "dynamicToRemote" &= typ "[BIND:]PORT"
&= help "Listen on local and dynamically (with socks5 proxy) forwards traffic from remote" &= groupname "Client options"
, udpMode = def &= explicit &= name "u" &= name "udp" &= help "forward UDP traffic instead of TCP"
, proxy = def &= explicit &= name "p" &= name "httpProxy"
&= help "If set, will use this proxy to connect to the server" &= typ "USER:PASS@HOST:PORT"
, wsTunnelServer = def &= argPos 0 &= typ "ws[s]://wstunnelServer[:port]"
, serverMode = def &= explicit &= name "server"
&= help "Start a server that will forward traffic for you" &= groupname "Server options"
, restrictTo = def &= explicit &= name "r" &= name "restrictTo"
&= help "Accept traffic to be forwarded only to this service" &= typ "HOST:PORT"
, verbose = def &= groupname "Common options" &= help "Print debug information"
, quiet = def &= help "Print only errors"
} &= summary ( "Use the websockets protocol to tunnel {TCP,UDP} traffic\n"
++ "wsTunnelClient <---> wsTunnelServer <---> RemoteHost\n"
++ "Use secure connection (wss://) to bypass proxies"
&= helpArg [explicit, name "help", name "h"]
toPort :: String -> Int
toPort str = case readMay str of
Just por -> por
Nothing -> error $ "Invalid port number `" ++ str ++ "`"
parseServerInfo :: WsServerInfo -> String -> WsServerInfo
parseServerInfo server [] = server
parseServerInfo server ('w':'s':':':'/':'/':xs) = parseServerInfo (server {Main.useTls = False, Main.port = 80}) xs
parseServerInfo server ('w':'s':'s':':':'/':'/':xs) = parseServerInfo (server {Main.useTls = True, Main.port = 443}) xs
parseServerInfo server (':':prt) = server {Main.port = toPort prt}
parseServerInfo server hostPath = parseServerInfo (server { = takeWhile (/= ':') hostPath}) (dropWhile (/= ':') hostPath)
parseTunnelInfo :: String -> TunnelInfo
parseTunnelInfo str = mk $ BC.unpack <$> BC.split ':' (BC.pack str)
mk [lPort, host, rPort] = TunnelInfo {localHost = "", Main.localPort = toPort lPort, remoteHost = host, remotePort = toPort rPort}
mk [bind,lPort, host,rPort] = TunnelInfo {localHost = bind, Main.localPort = toPort lPort, remoteHost = host, remotePort = toPort rPort}
mk _ = error $ "Invalid tunneling information `" ++ str ++ "`, please use format [BIND:]PORT:HOST:PORT"
parseRestrictTo :: String -> ((ByteString, Int) -> Bool)
parseRestrictTo "" = const True
parseRestrictTo str = let (!h, !p) = fromMaybe (error "Invalid Parameter restart") parse
in (\(!hst, !port) -> hst == h && port == p)
parse = do
let ret = BC.unpack <$> BC.split ':' (BC.pack str)
guard (length ret == 2)
portNumber <- readMay $ ret !! 1 :: Maybe Int
return (BC.pack (head ret), portNumber)
parseProxyInfo :: String -> Maybe ProxySettings
parseProxyInfo str = do
let ret = BC.split ':' (BC.pack str)
guard (length ret >= 2)
if length ret == 3
then do
portNumber <- readMay $ BC.unpack $ ret !! 2 :: Maybe Int
let cred = (head ret, head (BC.split '@' (ret !! 1)))
let h = BC.split '@' (ret !! 1) !! 1
return $ ProxySettings (BC.unpack h) (fromIntegral portNumber) (Just cred)
else if length ret == 2
then do
portNumber <- readMay . BC.unpack $ ret !! 1 :: Maybe Int
return $ ProxySettings (BC.unpack $ head ret) (fromIntegral portNumber) Nothing
else Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
cfg <- if null args then withArgs ["--help"] (cmdArgs cmdLine) else cmdArgs cmdLine
let serverInfo = parseServerInfo (WsServerInfo False "" 0) (wsTunnelServer cfg)
Logger.init (if quiet cfg then Logger.QUIET
else if verbose cfg
then Logger.VERBOSE
else Logger.NORMAL)
if serverMode cfg
then putStrLn ("Starting server with opts " <> tshow serverInfo )
>> runServer (Main.useTls serverInfo) ( serverInfo, fromIntegral $ Main.port serverInfo) (parseRestrictTo $ restrictTo cfg)
else if not $ null (localToRemote cfg)
then let (TunnelInfo lHost lPort rHost rPort) = parseTunnelInfo (localToRemote cfg)
in runClient TunnelSettings { localBind = lHost
, Types.localPort = fromIntegral lPort
, serverHost = serverInfo
, serverPort = fromIntegral $ Main.port serverInfo
, destHost = rHost
, destPort = fromIntegral rPort
, Types.useTls = Main.useTls serverInfo
, protocol = if udpMode cfg then UDP else TCP
, proxySetting = parseProxyInfo (proxy cfg)
, useSocks = False
else if not $ null (dynamicToRemote cfg)
then let (TunnelInfo lHost lPort _ _) = parseTunnelInfo $ (dynamicToRemote cfg) ++ ":"
in runClient TunnelSettings { localBind = lHost
, Types.localPort = fromIntegral lPort
, serverHost = serverInfo
, serverPort = fromIntegral $ Main.port serverInfo
, destHost = ""
, destPort = 0
, Types.useTls = Main.useTls serverInfo
, protocol = SOCKS5
, proxySetting = parseProxyInfo (proxy cfg)
, useSocks = True
else return ()
putStrLn "Goodbye !"
return ()